Ceremony and ritual.
Myanmar's new capital: Remote, lavish and off limits
So bearing in mind that these guys have a nuclear program, don’t hear much about that do you, they run Special Forces for the ChiComms into
If someone could actually identify the Architect behind it like Lúcio Costa /
If it is the latter then that would stop me scratching my head about why Aung San Suu Kyi is always given MSM smothering cover. She’s most probably not a Satanist Initiate of the highest order.
The item below is quite illuminating about lots of things.
new frontiers
Briefing on Tourism, Development and Environment Issues in the
Vol. 12, No. 5 September-October 2006
Special Report
The October edition of The Irrawaddy focuses on
After more than two years of construction, Asia World Company, the private Burmese contractor responsible for the building, says it will be a further 12 months before the project is completed, locals say, despite pressure from the authorities to finish by the end of 2006. Each week that passes costs the state millions of kyat in labour costs that it cannot afford. Asia World is the country’s biggest construction enterprise, run by Tun Myint Naing, also known as Steven Law, barred from entering the
Nearly a year since the ruling State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) first began moving civil servants to its new administrative centre,
One article in The New Light of Myanmar in August provided this rosy depiction of the dusty capital: “A long row of new departmental buildings…in Naypyidaw has become a majestic scene for anyone visiting the place,” the article declared. “It will not be wrong to say that service personnel have entered a new age.”
Asia World Company has been contracted by the government for another six years, which means that Naypyidaw will remain under construction until at least 2012. And for the 80,000 workers enlisted to build the
The International Labour Organization (ILO) received reports that at least 2,800 people from the surrounding area were forced to build camps for three army battalions and an air force battalion to secure Pyinmana ahead of construction. “In addition to labour, each village had to provide roofing and construction materials and transport for the project,” an ILO report from March 2005 said. The government has denied the allegations. The ILO has not received any verifiable evidence of forced labour since then, and says it is reluctant to draw attention to labour complaints from Naypyidaw for fear that the government might punish complainants for “spreading false information,” as it has in numerous other cases. The government agreed to a moratorium on such prosecutions in July.
The relocation project has had some positive economic impact. Local companies have benefited from the influx of new business, notwithstanding their allegations of the government’s confiscation of land. Big construction companies—Asia World Company, Htoo Trading, Eden Group, Max Myanmar and Shwe Thanlwin—have also seen significant revenues, but the government’s reported inability to pay for services has required companies to generate income from numerous concessions offered in the place of cash.
These companies were all given the opportunity to build hotels in Naypyidaw, while the government simultaneously prohibited smaller operations in old Pyinmana from accepting foreign guests, thereby denying them the ability to earn foreign currency.
Max Myanmar has made the most of government concessions. It’s Royal Kumudra hotel, located in Naypyidaw’s new guest accommodation zone along an unfinished stretch of two-lane highway, is the busiest of the city’s new hotels—and one of the most expensive, charging US$144 per night for its top-tier executive villas.
Air Bagan, owned by Htoo Trading chief Tay Za, became the first private airline to offer service to Pyinmana’s
In Naypyidaw, residents’ discontent is as evident as their confusion about why the move was necessary in the first place. The civil servants and laborers who toil each day in the dust and despair that shrouds the new capital give little or no importance to the government’s construction timetables or cost projections. Being uprooted from their families and homes by force is all that concerns them. q
One of my uncles was killed in Burma during the war. Kind of a screwed up place.
ReplyDeletescunnert sounds like an ideal place for the NWO to pitch up then.