A round of artillery is precisely that, an expendable.
Viewed as no more than a ledger item in the dump count. Admittedly one has
various types but I think we can agree that they are military items to be consumed
in a military operation. One thing they are not is capital, like a nuke sub or
battleship. Another thing about artillery rounds is that they are usually
queued and part of a fire mission. They are not “special”. Another feature of
queuing theory is the lack of civilians in the tables. One does not use rounds
against a kindergarten, fruit stall, hospital or hospice. If one does so then
one has been afflicted by the Môn heathen.
“Some few Panthers were equipped with special infrared
devices for night combat. The "Heereswaffenamt" WaPrüf 8, in
cooperation with the AEG was dealing with this kind of optical equipment since
1936, but development was discontinued and the decision to further investigate
in this area was not made until the Allies gained total air superiority in
1943. From now on much energy was invested in the project.
The results of these investigations, which were lead by
Ministerialrat Dr.-Ing. H.Gärtner Heereswaffenamt/WaPrüf 8, were, that in 1943
the Wehrmacht equipped some few Panthers with 200-mm infra-red searchlights FG
1250 and a BIWA (Bildwandler - image
converter), which converted the infra-red image into a visible reproduction. In
the first tests at the armoured forces school at Fallingbostel (North Germany)
near Hannover the crews trained to drive and
to aim at night. Admittedly the searchlight range was not more than 600 metres,
limiting the long range advantage of the excellent KwK42 75mm/L70.”
So what is the beef today?
Well a general perambulation round the subject of conception
and belief. The above paragraph feeds me back into those actions fought by the
panzer dentist in early 1944. Night actions in which his unit eliminated many
times the losses suffered by his own. In fact I think the kill ratio would have
made any top gun envious. Further reading of the paragraph leads to some
dissonance. A long barrelled weapon used in close range combat? Well if your
enemy is blind, you are an ambush predator and the numbers are stacked against
you the combo makes sense, even though the written history, massively sensored
by censors for truth eradication, leads one to contemplate such actions 12
months later where IR was used operationally in numbers against the Red Army
and Fifth columnist betrayed conscripts. Well as those who have read other
parts of this wombling upon the common will know there is a great deal of
disjointed phukkmuppetry propagated by bought and paid for restricted and
rationed academic historians. We know better because we have not had our balls
cut of by Môn heathen convention. Hysterical hystoeunuchs and mythanimannequins
abound in the cloisters and ivory towers. We are wild and free outwith the herb
garden, naked and covered in woad.
Anyway back to the KwK42. It was pushing out munitions at a
major fraction of the theoretical maximum for chemical propellants. At the same
time the UK
57mm with sabot rounds was even better at circa 1.2km/s.
So we leap with a mighty bound to artillery rounds in general.
With 2km/s as the upper limit for tube artillery a slight
problem heaves into view if you want to drop rounds on very distant targets,
you cannot in 1920. Neither can artillery drop rounds on targets very, very far
away in 1940. By 1942 you could. And yet it would take until 1957 for the
dropping of munitions anywhere on the planet to come into reality, not by tube
artillery, but by ICBM. That is 15 missing years.
So what happened?
Firstly we are looking at an embarrassing fact that the Môn
heathen want hidden from view.
The glowing heroes of the good fight were a backward
retarded dump that needs all the golden propaganda poured on it to disguise its
rotten fruit ever since. Consider the Mi8 exercise in fighting with pens, black
propaganda, conducted by conflict averse creatives in honoured pastoral and
bemedalled sylvan leisure in UKplc. Getting paid handsomely, many times a
squaddies lot, for doing nothing but what comes naturally, dodging bullets, telling
porkies all day and all night, shagging bint and telling the lads in the
trenches that everything is all right at home. Well that kind of exercise was
inverted and absorbed by the UK
media for drizzling like golden cum all over the herd after the engineered
conflict had finished.
Secondly artillery rounds and nukes got caught up in the
bomber, missile, and capital conflation.
A cold hard stare at UKplc in 1939 would have revealed a
de-industrialising shit heap where the scum were to be allowed to die off to
make room for more sheep and horses. I kid you not. The USofA corp. was
earmarked for any military/industrial consumables to be used in any managed
conflict. All UKplc was to become was a Roth deer park and film set. If the BIS lads had
had their way Europe 1942 would have had a massive kill zone trench system stretching
from Danzig to Belgrade,
dead locked for years. Fifth column commies sabotaging any attempt at peace
breaking out in the West whilst a slow managed trucking of explosives was
landed on the Ruhr by the so called democracies.
Once everyone in Europe was dead, i.e. Slavs and Germanics, then the conversion
of Europe in to a mega Roth game reserve,
staffed by brown serfs, would have continued apace. Trotskyists would have rolled
out over the Urals westwards to lead pill Stalin and restore murder in paradise
and kill any remaining underground Russ orthodoxy, all financed by NY. Oh and the
RCE/TA would not have had any nosey so called free peoples like USofA corp.
sticking their noses into its business as the Einsatzgruppen eradicated the
aboriginals as happened in 1947-48 and 67. RCE/TA would likely have gotten
started around 1944 at the latest.
So with a big flyturd laid in the plan by Stalin in winter
1940, the project went mega non Pareto, contra Ricardo and anti Malthusian. If
one wants a direct link between the events of 75 years ago and today, one only
need look at the massive attempt to re-enslave us with Pareto, Ricardo and
Malthus, in Paris
this week.
Into this massive diversity the round of ammunition got
Three things about the process lend backdrop to the theatre.
- Skorzeny
noted its use as a massive propaganda weapon, Gladio style.
- To
those who conceived of the nuke it was an artillery round.
- Do
not view it as explosive.
These are the complex cultivated opinions of those rich in
science, technology, philosophy and culture.
To the starving retards who could not bring such a concept
into being outside of its birthplace this and other magical things got
bastardised, aimlessly and trivially as by chimps playing with fire, after what
can be described as nothing other than the “Great Pinchraid of 1943-45”. As we
know from the gold heist, used as cover for so much more, the US Army was
nothing more than an NY banksters firm from 1943-45 in Europe.
Monty’s lads were again more used as RCE/LC bailiffs/asset strippers than
military. This is the banksters’ view of our dying in massive numbers.
So we get to the crux of the matter. It took 15 years for
both USofA corp. and USSR to digest all the wonders that Germans had made, well
that they were allowed repatriate, and had the best men handed over to them for
safe keeping, think von Ardenne and von Braun here, Nazis/SS/or not, to try and
graft the tech into their milindusplexes. Well that would be a bit like putting
contrabary in the hands of movie makers. It would make a great toy for McFly.
Give a rocket scientist a camera and he makes it high speed to examine
combustion. World views, world views. One is for lounges, couches and shagging.
One is for experiment, work then shagging. UKplc used to have a louche
workbench but no more. It is now a douche pen.
Anyway during those 15 years in NM or Semipalatinsk some weird things happened to
this round of ammunition.
Firstly it became capital.
If one were a primitive civilisation and conceived, or tried
to copy, of the idea of the wheel, organised and hot housed the R&D,
monetised and capitalised the societal effort, the wheel would be a “sacred”
item not a popular commons.
Secondly it disguised the failure of the sham of strategic
Dropping mega bombs was the panacea to the obvious, but in
golden propaganda terms not so, failure of the lash up that was strategic
bombing in UKplc. It was guaranteed to lay waste any city. I mean just look at Hiroshima, quietly
forgetting to tell us all about the underground cities, they cried.
Thirdly the limitations of tube artillery released the range
Now this is where the tale gets really interesting. In order
to stop shelling of Paris from Bruxelles or London from Paris,
pick your city pair; from X to Y, they created unlimited shelling range in 20
years of labour and research by accelerated accidental design. And here we can
compare and contrast successfully the two Môn heathen societies with a studiously
freed society that the Môn heathen could not stand because it would have
created a nation of free people to liberate the world and replace the Môn
heathen too quickly. Now I grant that all economic theory is mindbollox, like
cults, but even so let us look at the experimental societal fictions.
Soviet model: everyone who is non compliant gets killed, the
rest get made scared to death by state terror, everyone gets what the Politburo
dictates they will get, the Politburo shags and binges itself to death on the appropriated
fruits of the country, no one cares, all is duty.
UK: the banks decide where the funny money is going,
corporations research for mass production of the trivial, massive profits are
made for minimum thought, anyone complaining gets sidelined or blackballed, the
bankers shag and binge themselves to death on the rationed fruits of the land
except a very select few, there is a Gaussian distribution of care/duty level.
Germany: the state dictates where resources are going,
enterprises get rewarded for innovation, mass production does not occur as a
source of market rigging and rent, anyone who complains gets conscripted, the
party elite shag themselves to death on stolen goods except a very select few,
there is a restricted level of care and more duty.
Fourthly the golden propaganda worked beautifully.
In a society that could not deliver basic healthcare,
nutrition and amenities to its population pre 1939, the perversion of
delivering unerring universal death to everyone else post 1945 never seems to
have struck home. Taking German tech, most likely all tested, nukes, computers,
semiconductors, ICBMs, synthetic drugs and materials the lot, into a starving
corpse produced a reanimated monster in UK,
and USofA corp. for the technology serum freed of its own restraints mutated within
the new unknowing hosts and emerged as the poorer man’s death meal. Not only
did the diet dissolve the hosts, it made them MAD in the process and
impoverished their morals into decaying ethics. This process in the West will
not stop until humans are no more.
However before that happens everyone needs to note that the Khrushchev
approach to nukes has returned to the fold in Russia if the very recent words
of Vlad the Lad are to be given credence. Russia
which is now no longer an experiment for the BIS to destroy Europe
and usher in a Kalergian paradise for human herbalists and gentle alchemists.
The linear accelerator has fired the monkey deep into the Euro DNA now and has
gone into full AIDS mode. Killing its creators in a false fire.
So Russia
is perhaps sane again for now.
In Russia
the round of artillery approach to nukes had been reanimated as per its
original concept and the question of what capital they are to be used against
now raises itself.
What Môn heathen spawn are worth the investment?