Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Reduced Instruction Set Communion
Seen any assassinations recently?
Jachin and Boaz?
Great traumatic events, like a murder in the family. Or a massive engineered catastrophe, like the Irish famine. Or singular events like Pearl Harbour. These events are called into being by magikians because they have been instructed in the arts that allow the human spirit, being an actuality though immeasurable, to be affected/effected by the physical medium. A long, long time ago the schooling was carried out and the school of money alchemists carry the great work on today. The trick is never to allow the human beings to return the favour.
That would be disaster.
Disaster in ways that are deliberately hidden from us by the given religions and belief systems auto generated by the money worshippers. This is a genetically encoded memetic don’t’ forget. Very, very powerful magik.
“Oh bollox to that INCOMING!!!!!!!” I hear you muse “I am free and worship nothing”.
Yes, worshipping nothing through the credit card and weekly ritual and ceremony at the great big feeding trough. A feeding trough built like a cattle shed. The built environment mall. What a pall on the spirit of all humans.
However I have not got time for this crap. Those who cannot see the great livestock yards they inhabit never will.
The altar has been set for a great big wedding, a communion, again. Here are some thoughts on what might be happening.
Why do we keep getting traumatised?
The desired effect is the suppression of the human spirit. We are under suppressing spiritual fire. Constant and unceasing. Day after day, week after week, month after month the MSM and nonMSM bombard us with coverage of staged trauma. We are supposed to retreat in the face of this assault.
The goons that are creating this atmosphere want us cleared from the centre of the action. They are awaiting an occurrence and the air has to be cleared of human static. The human mind is non local and the initiates do not want anyone of the vulgar stumbling into what they are about to get up to.
What does non local mean?
I know I owe you guys the second part of my cider swilling musings from a long time back, I haven’t forgotten, you’ll get it, and if you’ve read today at the other shop you’ll know why the Canadians were burped into that evening. I am going to cheat though and draw a little of it here in brief.
If you read at the K rush and the omega moment you’ll know that when we arrive here there is a potassium storm around the fertilised ovum. When we leave this place our body is flushed with DMT. I’ve always been fascinated by metals, the hyper dimensional discussion I postulated about gold and diffraction gratings should have clued you in on that. So a metal rush as we beget. A complex molecule as we leave. That intrigues.
The hyperdimensional, called quantum tunnelling, properties of DNA also give pause.
If as Jung postulated there is a universal human soul, how part of it enters the foetus and what happens when it leaves your corpse is a question that leads one to speculate about feed back mechanisms and group expression.
So as I’ve mentioned before, and bearing in mind we live in a human construct where our every action and thought is designed to reinforce the weapons system‘s benefits to it sponsors, everything we do needs to be questioned. We need to ask ourselves "Why am I doing this?" Is there a feedback mechanism being harvested to my detriment that I’m not aware of? Now at this stage I’ll bet your thinking DeLooze again, well not quite. As I’ve made it clear this is a temporal discussion, we are dealing with physical reality, human beings not spiritual.
Infanticide would be a prime example of what I’m getting at here. An industrial process that has everyone worried about their rights and never noticing that the death camps are ethical and not moral. Qui bono?
This so called financial system that has stolen our very lives is another prime example of our abdication from morality seeking the false safety of an ethical system which will rob most excellently. The system has now been rolled out globally and riding on the back of the investment is complete control of the Herd’s Attention Space. Qui bono?
Bankster goggles on.
Looked at in a certain way the current destruction of the world’s economy is another drill, of the type Tarpley so loves to document. The scum are practicing command and control techniques over things that do not exist. “WTF are you on about now INCOMING!!!!!!!?” I hear you groan.
Well I have mentioned my suspicion that under the guise of High Frequency Trading there is a black box that messes with time. I mean really phekks it over and so we aren’t suppose to raise an eyebrow when a Russki operating out of Germany tries to half inch Goldman Sucks gear. No MSM outrage when Sucks actually describes its proprietary tech. as being a hyper front running operation. All is schtum. Why do I think this?
If you gaze a Maxwell’s original equations, before they got butchered, and read around what the lad was saying one comes to the inescapable conclusion that there are more dimensions at work in day to day reality than one would care to notice. Though James I must ask “Why limit yourself to 4”. This isn’t just airfairey nonsense. If you read about the mysterious Gabriel Kron and his concepts for large electrical machines you’ll also see concepts of additional dimensions at work. Hunting within these large systems of electrical machines was a recognised problem and GK provided the intellectual tools to deal with these engineering problems.
OK as I’ve mentioned before a long, long while ago my mate Tim and I used to tramp Trent Park wondering why the type of physics that Tesla espoused was most evident, not in modern science, but in modern finance. Well now we know. If you’ve listened to Max Keiser this week you’ll hear him discussing the hundreds of trillions of derivatives that still need unwinding. Think of these derivatives as existing in a separate dimension. These bankster clowns are dry running their control concepts in unreality.
So we are going to get the concepts applied to us soon enough. That’s what all the 2012, Elenin, Vieja predictive bollox is all about. I also reckon that things like JFK, Beslan, 7/7, Abu Ghraib et al are the warm up acts. It is also why there are licensed court jesters out here keeping us in a state of terror, Jones, Rense etc.
I could be wrong, my mate the secretive squirrel tends towards the fuck up model of history, “There are no conspiracies INCOMING!!!!!!!, just one balls up after another”. Fair enough, however we are dealing with clowns who think themselves gods. Clowns that have been up to this stuff for thousands of years unceasingly.
They were given the instrument known as banking to carry out a sacred communion, reunite humanity under the black sun.
Of course there is a conspiracy. It is all they ever do.
There are certain constants in this world. No fool, any physical constant is an illusion and I have explained all this before, the constants are numerical and are of two types. Male and female. They affect the human condition through sacred ritual carried out upon us. These spiritual adepts are numbers men and they are constant.
If one looks at the numbers involved in today’s financial fiasco, again Tarpley and Keiser have banged on about this many times, the global GDP is say 60trillions, the financial instruments of mass destruction are conservatively 1 quadrillion. Now look at what is happening the “money” that resides in the 4th dimension, as Kron and Maxwell would recognise it, is driving behaviour in the “real” 3 dimensional economy. That is magic!
It gets better though. Once the behaviour of the Herd is fashioned just so, another massive designer trauma, like a world war, is used to affect the human 4th dimension, where Jung’s universal soul might reside. Then mankind is refashioned. That is alchemy!
We might be shitting ourselves but the guys in the big house, smoking huge cigars, drinking fine wines and eating their fill of sweet meats, are happy and contented.
If you’ve got your head round this idea then you will know that there is nothing to be done in groups, that is what they count on, only the individual can save themselves and humanity.
BTW I hope any Trans humanist here has been reading real carefully, you Muppets. Want to breed heathen psychopaths do you?
Ba’al Hammon loves you long time.
Into the flames.
Monday, 26 September 2011
When the dust had settled we were at war.
Is it the function of so called democracies to behave as Paladin? Is that one of the secrets? One can boo and hiss at the bad guys, cheer the cherio and chertrix but one just scratches the knoddle at the otherworldly geezertrix who does not know what is really going on.
Are we bulletproof?
God knows the times we’ve been wiped out and yet still we remain.
As everything was being put in place we had our attention stolen by abdication, cremation and coronation. After the gunfire and sniper has ceased, one abandoned and betrayed our natural allies, whether Cossack or Karen, whilst bewitched by elections and the greater society. Society which does not exist, proferred by a hand which does not sustain or nourish.
Today we have coronation and abdication. We have energy companies rationing out lives, telling us we can save money. They cannot save money, which is against their law, they make us pay more for less and so not destroy their modus. Any director of any corporate who saves us money goes to the gulag. Having our interests at heart? It is high treason. The most brain washed corpus in this world is the business class. They have no idea about anything and yet everything is to be administered through them. They see as serfs and live as heathen. We live as serfs and are to see as heathen. MBA. Marxist Business Administrator.
They are 13th century Anno Domini. We are 21st century fools.
So who is going to get abandoned and betrayed this time? Who is not going to get the silver? Who has been kissing a friend? Whip has called their name and abdicated? It could be both of us this time.
Haven’t you worked out what fucking is for? Have you been screwed too much to rest and reflect?
Always remember that what ever we see is what we are to see. We are satiated in the cheap pews always.
Get up and walk.
Walk to peace, to the pain of peace.
Is it the function of so called democracies to behave as Paladin? Is that one of the secrets? One can boo and hiss at the bad guys, cheer the cherio and chertrix but one just scratches the knoddle at the otherworldly geezertrix who does not know what is really going on.
Are we bulletproof?
God knows the times we’ve been wiped out and yet still we remain.
As everything was being put in place we had our attention stolen by abdication, cremation and coronation. After the gunfire and sniper has ceased, one abandoned and betrayed our natural allies, whether Cossack or Karen, whilst bewitched by elections and the greater society. Society which does not exist, proferred by a hand which does not sustain or nourish.
Today we have coronation and abdication. We have energy companies rationing out lives, telling us we can save money. They cannot save money, which is against their law, they make us pay more for less and so not destroy their modus. Any director of any corporate who saves us money goes to the gulag. Having our interests at heart? It is high treason. The most brain washed corpus in this world is the business class. They have no idea about anything and yet everything is to be administered through them. They see as serfs and live as heathen. We live as serfs and are to see as heathen. MBA. Marxist Business Administrator.
They are 13th century Anno Domini. We are 21st century fools.
So who is going to get abandoned and betrayed this time? Who is not going to get the silver? Who has been kissing a friend? Whip has called their name and abdicated? It could be both of us this time.
Haven’t you worked out what fucking is for? Have you been screwed too much to rest and reflect?
Always remember that what ever we see is what we are to see. We are satiated in the cheap pews always.
Get up and walk.
Walk to peace, to the pain of peace.
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Do you really think that TPTB know what is going on?
Do you?
They are alone, as island.
Those clowns stick their fingers in the aether and guess, at nothing.
No kidding.
So let us phukk them up.
We have all the power.
Really phukk them up.
Enjoy the Nazi.
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Reduced Instruction Set Consciousness
(As you know the old barge got torpedoed and went under the briny, not before we salvaged the hold full of gold though. So until I’ve sifted through the wreckage and hammered the stuff I was going to put out here back together again, no matter how tardy, here’s a little something that I was musing over the past 6 or 7 weeks whilst not swimming the Thames.)
Those of you who have read here will know that I like to bandy around the FLA RISC. RISC, as you may have discerned, is in my lexicon a derogatory epithet, nay nugget.
To totally get your heads round the idea of RISC as applied to the heathen’s belief systems, indeed the systems that are the required default setting for inclusion in the heathen’s NWO I give you the following.
“Render unto the Geezer that which is the Geezer’s”
If you get that then you are free of all RISC. If you don’t, and I’ll wager any paid up member of the 3 main RISC systems won’t, then you will not get any of that which follows here, since it is in the main not temporal.
A special note to atheists here, you are a specially entrapped RRISC subset of the three main heathen systems. You muppets. That observation comes from one who has been IDed by his nearest and dearest as an atheist. BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA, so much for the company of fools.
Recently my ChiComm buddy and I were discussing the fascist/Nazi/commie slaver heathen state’s health system. I was surprised to find that it was not as one would expect from the official title of the slaver dump, People’s Republic of China. From what I gather the prototype for the NWO simply rations healthcare by the size of your wallet. A more exact title for the prison camp would be the Child Killer Republic of China, for there seems to be no rationing applied when it comes to the slaughter of innocents. Except on the occasion of one being part of an officially approved and tagged minority. Then you can breed like rabbits, until you are declassified of course. Their NHS equivalent is a killing machine. Now don’t be getting all snikkery UKplc. Now that the purpose of the UKplc NHS, free healthcare, paid for by the natives, for the prioritised use of recently arrived killer muppets from Europe, is no longer needed its true colours will be revealed. Why do you think euthanasia is getting so much airplay in UKplc recently and why is it that maternity units are such a dump? Go on then, do you want me to draw you spirals of rising smoke or something?
Whilst we are on the subject of the slaving dump, UN favourite, Maurice Strong’s hidey-hole and Soros’ favourite Nazi state, no wonder homicidal maniac Soros feels at home there, the CKRC. My secret squirrel buddy holidayed there this summer and had some interesting observations to make. My favourite anecdote was when he witnessed his tour guide almost getting the shit kicked out of her when she remonstrated, after an ATM failure to deliver the promised sponds, with a bank manager out there!! That got me to thinking about the crap that GE peddles big time all inspired by the need to get magnetic fusing to work far more reliably on AAA. Deming took the ideas to Japan and of course the result is the marvellous products streaming from the factories out that way these days. BTW it may be that they are a bit too magnificent for the clowns that are RISC peddlers.
As I mentioned a while back, about 15 years ago I had a beer or two with a guy who put me straight on the type of society or economy that we lived in. I thought we were in the knowledge age; however what we are really in is the attention age. So what would come after the attention age, what comes after decades of Xfarter and BigMuppet?
The belief age. Again.
Remember what that light weight war criminal Blair was always going on about?
If the ChiComm banker could get himself all brain washed like the slaves to be found in the reindustrialised, post industrial, post information, post knowledge, post attention slave age of the new belief systems and their rabid counterparts in the free fire zones of the world, then perhaps he’d be less stressed and happier.
Happy like the 6 Sigma’d, self actuating slaves that inhabit the hospitality world of the UKplc.
Imagine meeting and greeting 1 million people over your lifetime as a hotel receptionist, if you are lucky to have an organisation lasts that long to employ you casually, and only 3.4 of those you meet are allowed to be unhappy with your performance. Every twitch, glance, breath and fart is monitored and mirrored. Every second of every hour scrutinised for the slightest imperfection.
In that time as an employee of that organisation, what are you going to meet in your day to day work life? Well one wrong move and you are in the gutter. This is UKplc don’t forget. And since we are in UKplc we might as well have you working in the RCE/LC. Already I’ve stacked the odds against you. For you are now going to be knee deep in mentally deranged murderers, criminals and psychopaths and their mating partners. All dressed up in the best Armani of course
“Outstanding reality TV host”; Got it yet?
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