Just think of this as one of those shit conditioning tests we subject children to.
Listen to me…now listen carefully…now listen to me…there are only ever five choices in life…and we will provide you with the correct choice…listen to mee…
Choose one from the following. You can assume 100% pure and at a reasonable 30oC on Hadley Common. Immerse yourself in a sealed container of one of these for two minutes. Which container do you not choose? Those who choose the correct answer will by Darwinian selection be allowed to procreate to the next stage.
Carbon Monoxide
Carbon Dioxide
Carbon Monoxide
Carbon Dioxide
Carbon Monoxide
Carbon Dioxide
Carbon Monoxide
Carbon Dioxide
I remember in the early 80s watching an OU prog. on Teaching. Cannot remember anything apart from one thing. They stated that approx 25% of the profession then didn’t believe that trees/plants etc. came about because of Nitrogen fixation, Carbon dioxide, sunlight and Chlorophyll. Obviously the big tree pixie came out when everybody was asleep and went around silently planting for those smart lads. At the time I just shrugged and thought Muppets, they can live in their own little dream world. Thank goodness there are enough of the rest of us sane people around to keep them in check.
How wrong was I? Well a
The numbed down finest minds on the planet are there to arrange another steal.
CO2 is a poison? No Muppets in
CO2 is a sign of freedom. CO2 is a by product of peoples’ freedom to move, associate, intercourse, think, experiment, investigate, explore…generally be HUMAN. With the thieves out of the way the rest of us could get on with managing our affairs more efficiently without the massive larceny disguised as green indoctrination.
TPTB cannot stand that so the new gulag will have walls of the highest, finest, strongest CO2 to keep us penned and imprisoned.
It is a long story but somewhere a long time ago some group thought the whole world and its contents were theirs and they have been trying to put it back that way ever since by spreading total and utter bollox.
Light up and enjoy.
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Voyoy cheeky, leave us a deadletteredroped..