Monday 29 April 2019

HUMAN EXPERIMENT -Paplov Conditioning - Human Subject

Killer Klown Kalergiistas

Commie Habiru Executioner Kreepzoid Abrahamists

Stinking Talmudic Apiru Skulking Inbreds

A couple of reference points for you to consider.

If Harvard is now stuffed with CHEKISTS and neoPRIMITIVES what chance do you reckon of anyone but a stoneagedABRAHAMIST getting to play doctor in USSR 1920s styleee? Everytime you hear about a so called atrocity against defenceless humans you can be sure that a sleekit Habiru or its occulted Apiru derivative is cracking open human skulls MENGELElegendstylee.

So have a listen to the bandsaw incident at around the one hour 12 mins mark, 1970s Angola= 1941 LatviaSSR.

Read this, referencing from the craven COMINTERNpress here in UKplc and think 1920s USSR, always with the NASTEEES, GFTFO!

“…Geller is the Jewish equivalent of David Duke. Any Muslim who acted against Jews the way she does against Muslims would be jailed instantly. It is open season on Muslims in the US though so it is fine. She is a hate spreading bitch and the world would be a much better place without her.
>"Abuanza, now thought to be hiding in caves near the village of Baghouz, carried out such brutal torture on his victims that even IS fighters opposed it."
Seriously? Every one has seen the Daesh videos including the one where they took a caged Jordanian pilot poured gas on him and lit him on fire. Terror (real terror not just some one that isn't white) is at the core of the Daesh MO. That is why so many people were fleeing in front of them. Does any one believe they would recoil in horror or do you think they would have it up on the web as fast as they could?
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"It is open season on Muslims in the US though so it is fine". What is this bullshit with open season ?

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Geller wasn't the original source. Solomon's blog entry indicated it came from Geller's blog, but quoted the daily mail. As Harlan discovered, it ran on the BBC a day earlier. Your post takes a rather harsh view on Geller, who is a jew, because you believed she was the source of a piece critical of Muslims. Surprisingly, you were not taken to task for such ethnic vitriol and the suggestion that violence should be used against this Geller woman for her political views, with which you disagree. The great thing about America (and the ideal we try to export) is that difference of opinions and perspectives should not be met with violence. Though we may disagree, we should not live in fear of retaliation from those of an opposing view point. ISIS/L is the living embodiment of what happens when tolerance is extended only to those with whom we agree.
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"NHS doctor and UK pharmacist who became Nazi-style torturers for ISIS: Team of vile medics took organs from prisoners and gave them to wounded terrorists" - Daily Mail, Apr. 26, 2019
First of all, "The Daily Mail" is a UK tabloid, which is about as credible as America's own "The National Enquirer". They do very little vetting, love hyperbole and are about 50% reliable on "Breaking News". Having said that, I tend to believe, at least, the gist of their article : that EU citizens served as medical enablers for ISIS/L.
The EU (and the UK in particular) multiculturalist (non-integrating) society has contributed large numbers of Islamic jihadists since the late 1990's. Many in their Indigenous Muslim population hold dual passports, or, visa rights with regional nations known for producing and protecting terrorists. The EU's largely lax border with Turkey, in particular, has provided a reliable conduit for "Terrorism Tourism".
As for the specific actions alleged by the article? Obviously, they are reprehensible. However, they are not entirely unexpected. History teaches us that once an "army" (or, a "society") accepts and participates in mass murders of unarmed civilians (for any reason) the leap to acts of depravity and brutality to individuals is to be expected.
ISIS/L crossed that line early in it's history. I would imagine cruelty towards infidels, in pursuit of the empowerment and enrichment of ISIS/L's Islamic jihad, became an early litmus test for its members.
Regardless, the EU's (and the UK's) lenient justice system and progressive liberal ideals will ensure that, eventually, all of their citizens which participated in ISIS/L specifically (and terrorism in general) will be roaming the streets of European cities eventually.
As for your question regarding media self-censorship on matters regarding stories like this? Perhaps, there are several reasons. The first could be a socio-political decision to not stigmatize an entire sub-population for the actions of a few. Another reason may be the complex chain of global mass media "ownership" and "sponsorship" which involves particular sovereign wealth funds. Finally, it may simply be due to ISIS/L being more efficient than the Third Reich was at ensuring there are no credible witnesses left alive to give the story mainstream media legitimacy.
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wow. you attack the article's source, then turn around and state that it's believable because it lines up with your worldview.
mental gymnastics anyone?
additionally we don't know who the victims were. i imagine that most of them had to be MUSLIM themselves or you wouldn't see the pushback from members of ISIS. long short. i don't know what to make of this. why it isn't being used as propaganda material AGAINST ISIS is beyond me. if we're seeing this type of dissension in the ranks then spreading this news far and wide would seem to be an easy way to stalling out membership and making recruitment alot harder.
i just want to see more. someone else has to pick up on this if true.
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One is always wise to consider the source of news. Wouldn't you agree? As Harlan has pointed out, the BBC, a source generally regarded as legitimate, published the story one day earlier.
It required no "mental gymnastics" to believe that ISIS/L and their EU recruits were capable of this kind of barbarity, because we've seen many other reports from legitimate news sources outlining that terrorist group's cruelty and crimes against humanity. Their victims have spanned the ethno-religious spectrum available within the boundaries of their so-called Caliphate……”

Anything happening atrocity wise in Syria 2012 onwards think ARMENIA 1915. Do you think the Donmeh Sabbatean Frankists just dried up and blew away? No they got cushty numbers in Germany and UKplc, amongst others.

CHEKIShiTS=YoungTWATS=ISIS=TROTSKYIShiTS=MAOIShiTS=lazy murderous workshy welfare scrounging phukkwits.

Now here is a little thought for you.

Has anyone bothered to chart the number of murdered persons on this planet versus the amount of counterfeit money in existence? Quantitatively easing persons out of life?

As I have remarked on several occasions, every time one uses that fake currency one expends a round of fiat ammunition and someone somewhere dies because of that transaction.

We are the totengildingnumismatists.

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Voyoy cheeky, leave us a deadletteredroped..