All one hears in the Smoke these days is that London is building a
cycle superhighway. Whoopeefukkingdooo!! Everyone asks how come Germans didn’t
do anything to stop the Nastiness. Well how come UKplc live stock do nothing to
stop their land being used as an international terrorist breeding camp and
launch site for global terror though weapons of mass destruction in August
2015? How come UKplc eunuch drones do nothing but lie around lying?
shot its cycles and gave the parolees cars instead. UKplc will shoot its
cyclists and make us all parolees in the great big open prison called Farm 1.
I repeat; this UK built shit house is the most
advanced society on Earth. We shot our horses in the 30s because we knew the
next war was to be manipulated by fuel supplies.
So in future, once the recent controlled furore about state sanctioned
corpse fucking, child killing and rape in UK social care systems has disappeared up Savile's arse, as you try to
escape from a drug induced rape state in a RCE/LC sacrifice pit there will be
only two ways to effect exit. Shanks’ pony or a bike. The easier to take you
down by corporate drone security and keep the secret quiet as you are taken to
a Silver Town chop shop for export in parts. All
covered by blanket commercial confidentiality on behalf of the state benefit scrounging banksters. Benefit counterfeit street is in RCE/LC.
Did you check your ISO rated foodstuffs for human remains
UKplc before the great big beef burger donkey meat crisis? Did you care? Total
quality confessional commie care for the soylent iFart generation of swiss cheesed brain
dead zombie crowd funded beasts.
Look at Kharkov
after the SS1 lads rolled through in ’43. Look at it. That is going to be
paradise compared to what the scum are to be allowed to experience in UKplc. Touch
points are only for state actors and you are the touched, soon to be dead.
Let me summarise it for you oh penniless BBC turdball
watchers and concentration camp soap star staring arrays.
No fresh water. No good food. No free air. No nature. No one
and no thing free. All taxed to death. No home of your own in the Trotskyite/Maoist
shit hole run by the Communists in Banksterstan; Rothschild Corporate
Enmity/London City.
UKplc is nothing but the largest successful experiment in
rationing ever. Look. Everyone who is a UKabo is penniless. Only the criminal
imports get to play with the toys and rape your children.
If one also takes care to listen to the Big Muppet adverts
for things in UKplc you will not own anything. Listen carefully. During the
UKplc 2015 election campaign Cameroon
couldn’t quite hide the fact that, unlike the Thatcherite cry to house ownership,
he was offering a shipping container for rent as something to aspire to “own”.
Listen to the UK
banks talking about their mortgages. These same scum who manipulated LIBOR. You
are promised a Miss Marplesque 30’s idle ideal, the deal is a way of leaving
you penniless in a Dickensian King’s Cross ash heap circa 1830.
They are not going to help you “own” anything. They’ve been
told at Bilderfarter to make sure no one owns anything in the Trotskyist/Maoist
shit holes where humans are free game.
There is a great case to be made that you are conspirator
and/or party to a rolling programme of crimes against humanity since you are
content to feed from offal dropped from the murderers’ butcher block. Go on
then when was the last time you rebelled against being herded into cattle pens
for fleecing? Never. You do it every day of the week or by proxy through your subscribed
(rented) hole in the sky.
UKPlc; you asked for this and do nothing about it.
This is the best homes/sleep pods/living shells/shit holes
that UKplc can look forward to in the coming unbounded container wars. I’m
looking on the bright side here.
Do you not realise that everything, that everything, Bankster Harlot Marxist
Bitchboys, Maoist Boybitches, Trotskyite Androgeunuchs and Mongheathenists touch turns to shit? It
has to because it is all a disguised variant of thieving Talturdy money foolery
commerce. Business as Evil.
Go on then. Have you ever read their academic business
theories? They never work. Ever. However if you bring in murder and death as a
controlled variable into their economic theories the equations work perfectly.
Forward into the best that the 18th century could
offer using 21st century spiritual suppression.