H/T Zen Gardner http://www.zengardner.com
“Pope Francis will this week call for changes in lifestyles and energy
consumption to avert the “unprecedented destruction of the ecosystem” before
the end of this century, according to a leaked draft of a papal encyclical. In
a document released by an Italian magazine on Monday, the pontiff will warn
that failure to act would have “grave consequences for all of us”.”
So let us translate this one.
The screaming confidence trickster of a fake humanitarian outfit which is
just a long term bipolar-hibernating slaughterhouse for black money worshippers
would like to return to the 10
th century.
As I said yesterday that means him and his grifting holypunters, castrati and
eunuchs banged up in secure luxurious whore compounds, holy travel for him and his
crew, all knowledge hidden in his holy archives. Everyone else too poor to croak
without his minions keeping a close eye on where their lives and swifter
deaths are.
This outfit of interlopers would also maintain that any alien coming into
its sphere of interest will be baptised. I don’t think the alien has any choice
in this. Imagine the future of this alien planet. First thing to do is sent out
Phoenician traders of Ba’al Hammon coming all peaceful like and humble. Fellow
travellers of their scripture will sidle up and shag the native women/things.
Fucknuns will cause trouble in their power structure through harlotry and
finally after a suitable period of bringing into existence
poor people and dispossessing the natives, a
shed load of 25
th century Agent Orange will rain down to make the
place fit for the assembly of antigravsneakers.
Note that once the Turing Tests have been suitably refined a massive
intergalactic ecclesiastical synod will be held whereby all life forms will be
declared unfit for baptism except his holy tribe.
As I mentioned yesterday the Roth are so novitiates in this game. Rock
doesn’t even rate a mention. In the time scales involved, the establishment of
their base in Rome just after Carthage fell/Alexander got invited east; is
but a flash in the pan. No wonder their contrived holy book obfuscates in
fictional amnesia. No wonder all they ever go on about is money. No wonder they
have to keep moving. No wonder all they can do is kill and steal. They hate
humanity. More importantly they hate other women.
Control of the zoosperm through money. Money can only ever be useful tools
within diversity. Once the zoosperm is controlled and unified then money is of
no utility. That is why a rich man cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. A rich man
is entropic. Money will disappear as quickly as it was created. Ever wondered
why there is so much in their holy trash about where the scum are allowed to
put their organs of generation? That is because all they’ve been after in these
millennia long reconnaissance mission is top shagging for themselves as they
apply negentropy to the worthy isolated bloodlines.
I would cite Quetzalcoatl et al as an echo of the process at work in the Americas. You
don’t really think that Columbus
was anything other than North Italian Ba’al Hammon Buck Rogers boybitch character
do you? He couldn’t discover his ass without instruction, direction and a good
script writer. FFS!! I would also have to ID Cook as one of the top Mentropys
in this mission from the west. Cook re-completed the mission started from the
east. So by mid 18
th century earth I reckon that it is mission
accomplished time, all the hidden land masses mapped, by mid 20
century all peoples and tribes have been accounted for and their female lines
destroyed by sextroopers of the apocalypso.
You will not find any of the sacred breeding mares anywhere that is for sure
and if you should stumble upon them you will be quickly disappeared. In fact it
is highly likely that egg harvesting from corpses for these clowns started
decades ago. I would even go so far as to speculate that set aside was
initiated centuries past.
With HAS human beings being reduced to total Turing Fails through education
and pollution of the food chain by GMOs. With genetic filtering negentropy
through applied miscegenation and attempted epigenetic restoration through
reconstruction/simulation this bunch of god fabricating devil enchanting
null worshipping holy weirdoes intend to step
back and become androGyds.
Their fathers and mothers will become united in their Androkinder.