Well here we are; A short note marking 5 earth years out
here, MkII. No surprise to regular readers here that the MkI, started 26th
June, ran way out of hand and still awants finishing. Too many thoughts and too
many subjects let loose. All I wanted was to summarise in some way what was the
end result of dumping out here on the ausgang and pissing in the ausphart for
250 plus weeks. So I will religiously limit this second attempt to one page and one page only.
Excreting out here as an exercise in the self exorcising has
been a failure. As an exercising in excommunication it has been a success. The
process of identifying what is what is complete. First up it can be noted that
whatever is placed in front of us in the garden where the secular wankstators
spin their ear shine is pure moonsniffing loonacy. The supreme wankstator in
the original garden is most likely a trouble maker and his jester. So any
communication using the senses here in this garden is untrue. Any instrument be
it book, film, human, artifice, device or gimmick deployed within the Herd Attention
Space is a wankstator’s mirror within witch to cast the sacred spell. The
weirdest mirror of all is but a phase conjugate mind fryer. How else to explain
the male as the source of constancy and the female as neutered. Do not look
into it or you are gone into Yahweh’s freekfarm and onanist flowerbed. Enki’s
ball pond for the retarded and special needs psychopath.
Read it and weep. That is one of the issues resolved over
the past 5 years. The so called children of the book are but slaves to the
closed system. The fact that every system in this world demands the attention
of the herd is an illustration of its primitive intent. You will not be allowed
to remove your attention, if you attempt to do so the religiocommerCHEKAmercs
will get you through the release of specially selected for forces. Either by
rigged markets or bullets they will get you to worship. Worship the fully
integrated full spectrum religiowarfaredeathcult.
It is also clear now why all those shit business books make
no sense. Porter’s five forces, Handy’s, Scholes’ and Zuboff’s bollox. All the econometrics
and the Nobel economists dare not mention that only AND ONLY when killing is
brought into their concepts and equations does the whole damn thing make sense.
And once that is done one has nothing but gangsterism. Yahweist commerce is crime;
there is no getting away from it, the Abrahamic scam is crime. The beginnings
of all commerce are gold, slavery and war. This is, despite the official
histories saying otherwise, an unbroken activity since the day the world almost
ended 64,000 years ago.
Which brings me nicely to the black rain on pukkeville. Did
the survivors need to do anything other than make sure their commercial model
survived in idea only so that eventually a signal could be sent? It is one of
the weird things that I did not anticipate about this journey onto the
altwankstator park. There to join with the altHerd altAttention altSpace, the
aaa. Looking at all the altBollox the truth hidden can be seen. Why do the
clowns want the prayer to stop now? After centuries of forcing the Herd onto its
knees in their temples and the cathedrals. Millennia of worshipping numbers
through commerce. Why?
In 1945, the poor slob who caught the last train out of
nukeville only to stop over at the next nuking survived and he stumbled into
the real economy. 64,000 years in the making.
Lamarckian Scalar Genetics