If one were to wander into the pinkdildoed felinephlegministchatrooms of the rabidfascistas infesting the wetdreams of bankster created antifagolem, kind of goylike conzentrationslagerporn, today, then the exact same silence would be experienced as was manifest upon the infodesert during V2 communications to Tel London.
Do not inform anyone.
Now and again though a real beaut turns up.......
The only prive ledge here in UKaboland is the ass wiper to the crown or the imported crimefluidgenderkapo racist supremacists who think the UKabos are only here to wipe their arses.
Well isn't that what the Matrix Ovens' travel brochure said?
Watch out for the Unit 700 shrapnel flying. It is going to look like a Liberace suicide bomb going off.
Gonyersel Burly....
Well isn't that what the Matrix Ovens' travel brochure said?
Watch out for the Unit 700 shrapnel flying. It is going to look like a Liberace suicide bomb going off.
Gonyersel Burly....