AusSAS in a territory that no longer exists c1968
USM in a territory in Aus. c2016
I do love a good map. As you know.
I also love the things that all the commentators and spunk tanks never dare moot in public. The most verbotten being what the "real" map looks like.
Who owns what? As an example one would look at UKplc in reality much more askew and askance than the Ordnance Survey publications. Google Farts are riddles with areas all smudgy and hidden, riddled like a Swiss cheese. Don't you love the expense of your HDTV so that you get the effects of a blinding STD?
Anyway when the real owners of these areas decide that more profitable tenants are welcome in, the livestock, no matter how long they have been there grazing, get abattoired. If you are no longer strategically aligned with the business strategy you are gone.
So to all residents in "Territories" I'd be getting all twitchy. UNblue Hessians will be imported to clear you.
I'd include Hawaii, California and Alaska in that scenario.