Funny old world when you live in the codified petri dish of a drug running RICO banker failing state . John Co. ignorance is engineered into the experiment in direct contravention of natural learning.
If I remember correctly the two UK derived carriers are war emergency builds. Indeed the smaller unit was emergency, emergency build. Commercial build standards throughout and light cruiser machinery, I think. Anyway isn't it wonderful just how long they lasted with care and attention after sitting on the slips for years. Indeed it is hard to believe that the exHMS Hermes was weeks from the scrap yard in 1982. Poor RN never got to put all that hard earned experience, from taking 1tonne bombs into the armoured hull and the disaster of small air wings with pathetic aircraft, into a real touch and feel ship type ship.
Indeed as an aside. I know that I keep comparing the F35 to Bomber B but it might be more instructive to examine RN aircraft of the 1940-43 period and consider. I have likened the Fairey Battle to the biggest waste of a good engine ever. Well add to that list the Fairey Fulmar, Firefly, Albacore and Barracuda. How come IJ, NG and FI aircraft were a greater success against UK warships that the RN squadrons ever were to anyone else's warships? Bearing in mind how rich a target environment was the Med and SW Asia in 1941-42, where are the sunk IJ and FI fleets (Taranto is like Libor)? I mean UKplc had been on a rationed command economy war footing for 3 whole years! Everyone else was running a peacetime economy. What is wrong with that picture?
Well you know and I know that the sponsored diktat history we got fed is total bollox. That is what is wrong here. Just like ISIS is a Madrassa run OxBridge psy soap opera with dead persons everywhere and no one in UKplc can tell the difference between real life, faked events and made up history.
Defence Blog - Satyamev Jayate: Nostalgia: INS Vikrant, INS Viraat and INS Vikrama...: Enjoy these two awesome pictures showcasing the might of Indian Navy !!!! History repeating itself after 23 long years !!!! Cherish th...
Aahh the joys of the Nott defence review.
Let us have a little look at a summary of that document and stop to ponder.
28. The review which took place under Sir John Nott's tenure at the MoD ran from January to June 1981. It was conducted in the international context of a Soviet military build-up and the domestic context of a severe economic downturn and the introduction of cash planning to control public spending.[68] As our predecessors put it, in their Report on the 1981 Statement on the Defence Estimates (SDE)—
- The Secretary of State in
his introduction says that the right balance must be re-established
"between inevitable resource constraints and ... necessary
defence requirements". In other words, the Government's commitments
to spend money on defence have outstripped the availability of
funds ...[69]
30. These proposals were rapidly scotched by the experience of the Falklands conflict in the Spring of 1982, which was commented on by our predecessors in three separate Reports.[77] In the White Paper on the lessons of that conflict, published in December 1982, it was announced that the 5th Infantry Brigade was to become an airborne force including an all-arms assault parachute capability of two battalion groups (withdrawn under the Mason Review); Fearless and Intrepid were to be retained in service.[78] The third aircraft carrier (HMS Invincible) was to be retained, and the number of destroyers and frigates held at around 55.[79] The White Paper concluded by signalling a return to 'flexibility and mobility', but as an extra rather than a central feature of force structure—
- The many useful lessons we
have learned from the Falklands Campaign ... do not invalidate
the policy we have adopted following last year's defence programme
review. The Soviet Union—its policies and its military capabilities—continues
to pose the main threat to the security of the United Kingdom
and our response to this threat must have the first call on our
resources. Following the Falklands Campaign, we shall now be devoting
substantially more resources to defence than had been previously
planned. In allocating these, we shall be taking measures which
will strengthen our general defence capability by increasing the
flexibility, mobility and readiness of all three Services for
operations in support of NATO and elsewhere.[80]
- Our concern that there might
be difficulties in managing the Defence Budget into the 1990s
has ... turned into the strongest suspicion that there will indeed
be ... cancellations, slowing-down of acquisitions and the running-on
of equipment beyond its economic life-span. The evidence we have
received from the Ministry has not allayed our fears ... A likely
consequence is that important issues will be decided as a result
of short-term financial considerations and not in the context
of a long-term view of defence requirements or by weighing priorities
in a sensible manner. We have drawn attention in this Report to
substantial pressure developing on the defence budget over the
coming years, and have no doubt that this will require some hard
decisions. We are told that there is no immediate need for a major
defence review; but we fear that the cumulative effect of managing
the defence budget in the manner endorsed in the White Paper may
result in a defence review by stealth.[81]
Now let us ignore what happened and try with the skills of our forensics to reconstruct what these clowns believed the world would look like in the 1990s.
We can factor in other events rolled onto the unsuspecting UK public a the 1980s unfolded.
It can all be summed up in the single vignette.
UK armed forces ensured that everyone in the UK was defenceless against being engineered into unemployment, forced into satrapy, having all assets stolen, their children raped and killed by freaks and their island invaded by people smuggling gangs all sponsored by their government and MPs. UKplc has been brought back quietly into the 14th century. The first post enlightenment society. The most advanced society on Earth. Like putty in the hands of religious criminals.
That is what western goverments do to their aboriginal peoples. They kill them off and select for work shy clients, murdering land thieves and dry goods flock whores.
