I’ve put the full article on Pikey’s bollox and the addendum
at the end of this thought viaduct over the fallow fields. What Pikey, “Don’t
tell him, Pike!”, isn’t saying is that it is all made up. All he’s detailing is
money flows and ledger accounts. Where ever the funny money flows events can be
made to happen all magically like. Human beings are indeed easily influenced by
witches and nothing.
How do you predict? Are you a magician? Are you a Putoff
scion with ambassadorial skills and spy crafts? Are you prescient?
Is this all psychopomp?
As you know, if you’ve hung here often at the unhinged
ramblings, your correspondent does like a good map, I’ve speculated that there
is a first map on the Big Table that sings to the geezers in the Big Room, many
times. So it is ironic that upon a dimensional construct I should be thinking dinemnsionlessness.
Is that why it sings, there are no dimensions to the map?
Apart from the oopart and Pikey two other things have
brought this thought to the fore. The first being summarised by commentators on
old philosophers comments on elder philosophers and the second on the thoughts
of contemporary philosophers.
Although it is tempting to look back and form analogies and
dangerous to do so, there is though the desiccated remains of bleached
experience to be realised over and over again. Like a repeating, potassium
deriviative, DMT expired, deathlessness. With enough food and money any onanism
is possible. Death onanism being the favourite of the separatist revealed
imaginings of the death cult of Yahweh. Timeless and ever present in the
Gaussian distribution of the pachinko cascade of random events. YahMoney as
spiritual solvent dropping forever in the revolving random walk.
However talking bollox all day when you have no need to
worry about your next meal is a splendid human pass time for scribes and
prophets. I would have it that a prophet, always wealthy, simply know where the
funny money money is being pumped and to what desired effect. Whole industries
have existed since time immemorial to do this professionally. Wish harlots of
whoredom being the primary engine to smother the whole world within the staged.
With that peculiar engineered oppressive hunger of imminent
starvation removed one can spread all sorts of faith based mind spew like a
divine muck spreader of idiocy. Trance inducing asynchronous machinery of
oblivion and amnesia. Monte Carlo seeds of
destruction within the herd induced false focus of reality, No utter nutter
nonce sense too barmy for a square meal from the hungry of spirit. All the
while knowing that the grim reaper will turn up at random points to destroy the
memory of your fakery in the aggregate.
Basically, around the Med milieu, there must have been
troops and bands of faith fakirs/spirit wraiths and assorted mind based muppets
wandering in the grain belt with nothing to do but waffle. All sponsored by a
central separation of the money faith fields as fundamentalism. Kind of like
today. The food supply of the passed over 200 years has allowed a multitude of
phukkwittery based eviloids rooted in monoheathenism to get up to speed and
seed the world with death. Broadcast their sterile beliefs onto the blood
fertilised fields of lunacy.
All free from reaction. Newton got it wrong. In the human dynamic
there is not necessarily an equal and opposite reaction to any force applied. The
force applied is invisible and dimensionless. Indeed in Lamarckian selection of
the human mind any force applied can induce a non-linear acceleration in the
mental breakdown of the collective mind.
Those who would look at a bitchboy like
eratsersatzNuttinyahoo would do wel to remember that the bicameral mind is
alive and well. A kind of non local mind profilactic for the Apiru crew.
This is dimensionless existence of the fabricated faith of a
discrete humanity. Its existence is not existential and cannot be measured,
replicated, witnessed or theorised.
So what has this to do with the price of sliced bread?
A nice little summary of some top geezers thoughts might
introduce where this mindbarph is heading.
““To be sure, the ancient’s method is more elegant by far
than the Cartesian one [analytic geometry]. For Descartes achieve the result by
an algebraic calculus which, when transfused into words, following the practice
of the ancients in their writings, would prove to be so tedious and entangled
as to provoke nausea. Nor might it be understood. But they accomplished it by
certain simple proportions judging that nothing written in a different style
was worthy to be read and in consequence concealing the analysis by which they
found their construction.”
- Isaac Newton, co-inventor of calculus
“We see that the old geometers have made use of a kind of analysis that they have extended to the solution of all problems. Albeit, they have hidden it from posterity. I well realize that they must have known a kind of mathematics that was very different from today’s common one. Not that I think they knew it perfectly.”
- Rene Descartes, inventor of analytic geometry
“The ancients seemed to have recognized and possessed such analysis proper to geometry, for in their works, I think I can make out some vestiges of it. Namely, of an algebra in which numbers are not the issue. Certainly it is by this art that they unfolded those propositions. Otherwise we would not have had them for such a long time, which only with difficulty would we find by using our modern methods. I think I have attained and discovered the foundation of this art with which, once we have found the right symbols and established some principles, we can obtain everything else by an imitation of calculating and with no need to follow the lines with our imaginations.”
- Gottfried Leibniz, co-inventor of calculus
- Isaac Newton, co-inventor of calculus
“We see that the old geometers have made use of a kind of analysis that they have extended to the solution of all problems. Albeit, they have hidden it from posterity. I well realize that they must have known a kind of mathematics that was very different from today’s common one. Not that I think they knew it perfectly.”
- Rene Descartes, inventor of analytic geometry
“The ancients seemed to have recognized and possessed such analysis proper to geometry, for in their works, I think I can make out some vestiges of it. Namely, of an algebra in which numbers are not the issue. Certainly it is by this art that they unfolded those propositions. Otherwise we would not have had them for such a long time, which only with difficulty would we find by using our modern methods. I think I have attained and discovered the foundation of this art with which, once we have found the right symbols and established some principles, we can obtain everything else by an imitation of calculating and with no need to follow the lines with our imaginations.”
- Gottfried Leibniz, co-inventor of calculus
When one adds to this the fact that JCM’s quaternions got
chopped long before the “modern” world heaved into view with Fritz Lang/Fred
Astaire/Elvis Presley, one doesn’t need to be Gabriel Kron to know that
something is watching and editing. It is the objective here to further refine
the thought processes, world view, of this something. It is not enough that
great men should whisper about this guiding invisible hand awaiting their one
wrong move. It must be broadcast thoroughly and completely to destroy the spell.
The Kapo of the Apiru listening to the singing map fears knowledge before its
Right now in 2014 we’ve got the modern natural philosophers
getting ready to ditch dimensions all together. When I was taught dimension
analysis/symmetry it was placed in my hands as a fundamental tool of the trade.
“Indeed, results from the first run of the LHC have ruled
out almost all the best-studied versions of supersymmetry. The negative results
are beginning to produce if not a full-blown crisis in particle physics, then
at least a widespread panic. The LHC will be starting its next run in early
2015, at the highest energies it was designed for, allowing researchers at the
ATLAS and CMS experiments to uncover (or rule out) even more massive
superpartners. If at the end of that run nothing new shows up, fundamental
physics will face a crossroads: either abandon the work of a generation for
want of evidence that nature plays by our rules, or press on and hope that an
even larger collider will someday, somewhere, find evidence that we were right
all along…” http://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/?p=6836&cpage=1
One of the problems I’ve been wrestling with here is just
how can the putative geezers in the Big Room watch over our development
according to their plan. They must be divorced from us in time and space.
Godlike creatures. Yet dipping in from time to time to prompt/correct/redact
using their puppets and marionettes in these reduced metrics.
One way of looking at this would be a Big Room parked at a
slower running time stream, say nearer a large mass, with a scalar
communication to our faster running time stream. We’d be parked further away
from a large mass. Say at the outer part of a galactic spiral arm. Or even
better, drifting way out in the tendrils between arms.
However this doesn’t address the spiritual dimension. So we
might be looking for a view dimensionless.
Anyway back to Fat Albert. We are supposed to crap ourselves
at his prescience, remember he’s jerking off at the same time as JCM is sorting
out colour photography, and the all round woo-wooness of his dire manoil. Well
let us imagine that we could produce as much money as needed for our aims, no
questions asked, just fettling of the counterbalances of the machine, this pronunciation
of apocalyptic simple scale. POC, test run, preproduction and then the roll out
of the V.1 run. No magic, simply a confidence in the machine and a world view.
Voila, prophecy revealed to all and worship duly anticipated.
If I had my hands on the ultimate weapon of mass
destruction, notice that the arrival of the A-Bomb did nothing but threaten
this peculiarly pecuniary weapon for less than three decades, I could make
anything happen. However I would seek to do things for humanity not decouple
humanity from existence and harmony. Tools like the fat Yank do nothing but
reveal the limits of the power they serve at that aleph. Only so much
information can get through to them from the Big Room at any instant. Their aim
is constant, scalar and simple. Their delusion is ridiculously childlike and a
clear and present threat forever.
Decoupling humanity from the axis mundi.
“Three World Wars, 1871 by high degree Mason Albert Pike

It is said that in every legend is a grain of truth.Many
rumors are told about the high degree Freemasons of the 19th century, Albert
Pike. The original of a letter written by him in 1871, and as mentioned in
the planned three world wars is to be located in the British
Museum in London . The first recorded mention
appeared in a book by William Guy Carr, written in 1958, although at that time
the tension between USA and USSR was on the rise, is called to trigger a third
world war, a conflict between Islam and political Zionism.
Albert Pike, 1809 - 1891, was a lawyer, an officer in the
U.S. Army, author, and - as it claims in countless texts - a satanic
conspirators. It can be found assumptions, Pike would have the 1776 in Bavaria
by Adam Weishaupt founded in 1785 and reconstituted by prohibition, Illuminati
Order represented in the United States. Speculation that a year barred in California summer
meeting of influential men in the "Bohemian Grove" (Bohemian Grove),
a secret continuation of this old order is, keep to this day. The only -
recognizable at least to outsiders - commonality there is the symbol of an owl.
On countless websites, there are allegations that Albert
Pike had written on August 15, 1871, the Italian politicians, activists, and
also Freemasons, Giuseppe Mazzini a letter referenced in the planned three
world wars. The original befände in the British Museum
and was also cataloged there. The letter in the 1920 published book,
"The Mystery of Freemasonry" (El Misterio de la Masoneria) by
Cardinal José María Caro Rodríguez of Chile ,
with regard to the personal inspection in the British Museum
mention. In this context, there is also a quote from the book "The
Devil of the 19th century" (Le diable au XIXe siècle) by a certain Leó
Taxil. In addition, William Guy Carr reported, but only in the 1950s,
about it.
So, already in 1871, is said to have Albert Pike, but knew
without time indication of the preparation of three major wars that he even
referred to as "world wars".
Although the Internet publications are much longer, but I
take only once briefly:
The first world war is to be used to bring Czarist Russia to
The Second World War is based on nationalist aspirations, to
the founding of Israel
serve and strengthen communism.
The third world war is to the political Zionism be found by
controversies between muslims leaders its beginning. However, the rest of
the world should be drawn until the complete exhaustion at all levels in this
Sources can be found at the various letter quotes indeed no,
but William Guy Carr has written in his, in 1958, the preface to the third
edition of 1954 published book "Pawns In The Game" (farmers in the
game - original version, english, pdf) summarizes Please refer to the individual
points, without reproducing the original wording.
In direct form, however, there is the following statement,
which should come from the same letter of 15 August 1871 and the situation
after the third war describes:
"We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and
cause a massive social revolution which will clarify in all his horror the
nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most
bloody uprisings. Then the citizens are everywhere, forced against a
minority of revolutionaries to defend, destroy these destroyers of
civilization. And the masses are disillusioned with Christianity,
directionless, according to a new ideal langend, but without knowing where to
focus their desire for a faith are finally received by the descent of the pure
doctrine of Lucifer, the true light ... "
So far the threats act as persuasive as
shocking. However, it is not yet clear where the origin of the entire
letter text, as cited on websites could be found. The hottest source would
be of course the British
Museum . However, it
is not necessary to send a request there because William Guy Carr went in
another book, "Satan, The Prince of This World" ( pdf download, english ), published in 1958, in a
similar form to the said text . However, in a footnote, he noticed that he
was informed by the British
Museum , that they did not
have there on the said letter. However, that a man like Cardinal Caro
Rodriguez should make this regard false statements, surprised him.
Whence come the quotes, especially the literally reproduced?
Although it does not seem to be possible, an English edition
of the book "The Mystery of Freemasonry" raise, even with Amazon, it
is out of print, but there is the Spanish original version, both as a website and in pdf format . Paragraph
53 of the first chapter of the second part deals with Freemasonry in Russia . And
there we find a similar text, but with a non-identical beginning. Because
at Cardinal Caro Rodriguez the nihilists and atheists are released already in
the Russian revolution, and not only after the third world war. He wrote
this book in the 1920s.
In paragraph 71 of the third chapter he claims indeed to
have seen the letter itself in London ,
however, regarding the quote he refers to a book or a collection of writings
from 1896, "The devil of the 19th Century", by Leó Taxil. So did
at least the twenty years before the Russian Revolution of a map for this?
But for now we come back to the, supposedly in 1871
announced to speak three world wars.Because until now we have just found out
that William Guy Carr anno 1958 wrote about it. This of course would have
been easy, the first and second world war aptly accurately
"predict".Given the current tensions between Israel and Iran, although
it seems amazing that he in his time - he died the way in 1959 - pointed to a
conflict between the political Zionism and Islam, and not to an escalation of
the Cold War between USA and USSR , but so far-fetched such a thought was not
even then.
Although Cardinal Caro Rodriguez wrote stuff about Albert
Pike, it finally acted Where the latter is a high degree Freemason, but, as the
title of the book suggests, it was the Catholic dignitaries exclusively about
to put Freemasonry in a bad light. That the said letter to Mazzini three
world wars should have treated not find the slightest mention.
That leaves only Leó Taxil as a possible origin. After
all, would be described in 1896 the future of the 20th century, he would have
been either clairvoyant or an initiate. He, incidentally, was a Freemason,
who had turned his back to the Order.
Myself it was not possible to raise a copy of his book,
neither in English nor in French, but I found in French Forums credible
evidence that the world wars were not mentioned even with him. Everything
is just a matter of the "satanic conspiracy of Freemasons"
uncover. However, the very title of the Wikipedia entry on Leó Taxil
is: "Taxil
Hoax" . The 1907 deceased man who actually Marie Joseph
Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pagès was called, it was all about, to write books that
sold well. The Catholic Church, outspoken opponent of Masonry, proved to
be very useful.On April 19, 1897, he admitted in a public lecture saying that
it had been in all his allegations are pure fantasy.
That nihilism and atheism in Russia are disseminated, of
course, provoked by the Masons, he actually wrote already 1896 Are the lies,
however, thought enough, then it may well arrive one or the other. And
that Albert Pike should have known already in 1871, from the planning of three
world wars, was held for the first time in William Guy Carr mention, 1958, when
two of them were already history.

Also:Attention genocide! ≡ ≡ Georgia Guidestones
commandments of the 21st century ≡
The message of the landmarks of Georgia
This message contains information or ten principles which
are inscribed in eight different languages in the Georgia
Guidestones. These languages are English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi,
Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. An inscription in German does not
exist. The translation of the message from English reads:
* Reduction of the human population of the planet earth to
500 million people, to enable a life in harmony with nature.
* Informed reproduction of the human race -. development of fitness and diversity
* Association of the human species by means of a new, universal language.
* mastery of passions, faith and tradition with mellow wisdom.
* Protection of people and nations through fair legal and efficient courts.
* rule of a world government on the individual nations and clarification of international disputes before a world court of competent jurisdiction.
* avoid exception rights and useless bureaucracy .
. * balance between individual rights and social obligations
* appreciation of truth, beauty and love - search for harmony with the infinite.
* Do not be a cancer on the earth - Leave the natural environment - Let the natural environment.
* Informed reproduction of the human race -. development of fitness and diversity
* Association of the human species by means of a new, universal language.
* mastery of passions, faith and tradition with mellow wisdom.
* Protection of people and nations through fair legal and efficient courts.
* rule of a world government on the individual nations and clarification of international disputes before a world court of competent jurisdiction.
* avoid exception rights and useless bureaucracy .
. * balance between individual rights and social obligations
* appreciation of truth, beauty and love - search for harmony with the infinite.
* Do not be a cancer on the earth - Leave the natural environment - Let the natural environment.