Finally got to watch it and have to say that it is in its
execution Akira/Spirited Away/Ghost in the Shell 2esque and slightly
disappointing in technique. It may have been the inspiration for Leo’s little
aleph in mindery but is still a palled shadow of what the Ziondub should be
about. If blue beam does indeed arrive it will feed in through the black ice,
not the blue sky overhead, is the message. That is the meme for the next closed
generation of human killing dwellers. No open systems thinking allowed in the
YoungiGreen, as one gazes upwards from the rubble strewn relimegreenedgraves.
No wonder Gibson got knobbled.
Anyway I just wanted to note that on this day 69 years ago
F-Go/NI-Go was go.
Consider that.
Fiction is fictionalised to hide the fact. Fact is
factionalised to hide the fiction.
If ever the reminder of what was humanity gets itself off
its knees and starts to look around then the first ever miracle in human
history will have taken place. Only the third ticking occurrence of such an act
since those who had their dreams shattered in an instant,
twice, in this resetting of the universal intention of symbology. For in every
resetting there is a universal intention of amnesia. Of murder. If only ten
percent of all the dead white men, 1914-1919, had turned around and shot the wielders
of symbol then the world, this instant takes so long to collapse into reality
though, would now be a paradise off earth. Instead because of the hundreds of
millions of dead persons procured by London /New York we experience a
Copenhagenesque quantum as yet unresolved. Heisenberg was fully mastered by the
ancient priestly classes alrighty. I mean when was the last time you actually
evaluated one in reality. To see one is to not know its transform. To know what
it is is to be blinded out of spectrum.
Chronosthesia, the application of the universal intention of
symbology, is a virulent symptom of the symbola at work again. Can you actually
remember that those who are at work in Gaza are
the same clowns who went to work for Wall Strasse in Gomel one hundred years ago? They are not the
same as the geezers who cleared the ghetto tunnels of Roth rats and Babel Ba’al
worshippers from alien lands. No, these Symbola are the eternal infection, paid
killer henchmen with no fixed abode.
And so today, would you actually be able to bring an RTA involving
crisis actors on their way to a charity bombing exercise about to go live,
spilled all over the carriageway, just as a false flag kicked off and smart
droned the same freeway taking out a religious leader? Could anyone actually
bring that chaos into focus and state the truth even at first hand? No.
Imagine the scene.
A troop of missionary actors on their way from Taxila to Memphis get caught up in an
anti partisan sweep by the einsatzlegionnaires. Locals are trapped and starving.
Time to break out the loaves and fishes.
Universal scalability of the intention.