wandering through http://defenceoftherealm.blogspot.com/
and other blogs I cannot but get the feeling the whole bloody shooting match is orchestrated.
Just like Vietnam. The banks were ready, as always, but the ChiComs were out of synch. Now the ChiComs are ready but the banks are out of synch. Or are they?
If you wanted to learn about the most highly advanced miltary processes you'd create a lab.
And where is that lab?
Heads up.
For All the Wrong Reasons
5 hours ago
Can anyone tell me what we have been doing in Afghanistan for 8 years? What an utterly pointless, futile, lions-led-by-donkeys, life wasting load of bollocks! It is simply the military industrial petrochemical complex pursuing its interests at the expense of suffering humanity. With perhaps the illegal drug trade thrown in given the record amounts of opium the the US/UK proxies have been producing.