Friday, 29 March 2019
Angie baby, Tenko Tempo and the arc of Kronossarium.
“The mineral- and oil-rich Dutch East Indies (today’s Indo¬nesia) was Japan’s next colo¬nial tar¬get in the Pacific Theater—this after Allied resis¬tance had col¬lapsed in Sin¬ga¬pore (Febru¬ary 15, 1942) and all but did so in the Philip¬pines with Gen. Douglas Mac¬Arthur’s forces holed up on the rocky, jungle-covered Ba¬taan Penin¬sula opposite Manila, the Philip¬pine capital. Darwin in north¬ern Aus¬tra¬lia, an Allied supply and naval base that had the poten¬tial of sup¬porting opera¬tions in the East Indies, was ren¬dered use¬less on Febru¬ary 19, 1942, by two Japa¬nese air raids, one from carrier-based planes, the other from land-based planes flying out of Ken¬dari in the Dutch East Indies. A hastily assembled multi¬na¬tional flotilla of Amer¬i¬can, Brit¬ish, Dutch, and Aus¬tra¬lian (ABDA) war¬ships, many of World War I vin¬tage, con¬fronted a supe¬rior Japa¬nese in¬vas¬ion force com¬prising one light air¬craft carrier, two heavy cruisers, two light cruisers, four¬teen de¬stroyers, and ten trans¬ports. In the seven-hour, on-and-off Battle of the Java Sea on Febru¬ary 27, 1942, the Allies lost two heavy cruis¬ers, three de¬stroyers, and 2,300 men, including 52-year-old Rear Adm. Karel Doorman, ABDA Strike Force com¬man¬der, when his light cruiser and flag¬ship HNLMS De Ruyter went down. The Japa¬nese suffered damage to one destroyer and the loss of four trans¬ports. Japan’s decisive naval victory and follow-up en¬gage¬ments over the next two days accele¬rated its con¬quest of the Dutch East Indies, whose civil¬ian admin¬is¬tra¬tion sur¬ren¬dered un¬con¬di¬tionally on this date in 1942. In the week¬long land cam¬paign Dutch troops, aided by Brit¬ish and Amer¬i¬can rem¬nants, fought fiercely, and when it was over the Japa¬nese exe¬cuted many cap¬tured Allied sol¬diers and sympa¬thizing Indo¬ne¬sians. Not until later in the year would Japan’s air and naval supe¬ri¬ority in the Paci¬fic be tested again. Two naval en¬coun¬ters in the Coral Sea (May 4–8, 1942) and at the Battle of Midway (June 4–7, 1942) restored the balance of power in the Paci¬fic that had been lost at Pearl Harbor. Over the next two years, U.S. naval and air power relent¬lessly chewed up Japan’s over¬seas empire. When the war came to an end, the former Dutch colony uni¬lat¬erally declared its in¬de¬pen¬dence, and the Repub¬lic of Indo¬ne¬sia was born on August 17, 1945, in a simple flag-raising ceremony in Jakarta.”
I always found myself looking at the edges of the Big One when staring at the map. It was there that I instinctively knew that a soupçon of reality might perhaps be gleaned since the big shows were somehow not real. Even back then I could smell the face paint and lime light. It was the way things were not described whilst being richly embroideredelineated by the official UK hystercalian that gave it away. Park and Battle of Britain etc.
Subsequent research proves that to be the case.
Midway anyone?
Though I do admit that stoogeing around the porn industry in the 1920s was a great cover. I mean would you expect weather manipulation technology to be birthed there? Midway, open systems pussy!
Anyway one of my fave places to stare, and still is Angie, was Batavia. So much to learn there. Allied forces bare arsed and out of place on the stage. Wiped out. Slant eyed bastards spearing Chaldean merchants and babies on bayonets, why not? All the gold biscuits lifted by Rothfree agents of Nihon. Sub bases for moving pharma, gold, mercury, uranium and all those lovely patents. Everyone out of place when the music stopped, what abut that 5stars? Cannabilism. CIA. B26 Pope bombing churches years later.
And of course the only place south of Vientiane not to get the full napalming and counter ganging in the period 1950-1970 despite our best attempts, though flag officer Singapore did keep putting sugar in the tank. Sweet napalm does make one wonder about work not yet finished doesn’t it Angie?
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Voyoy cheeky, leave us a deadletteredroped..