The words are unabled and are unfit for the purpose I
intend. I am mute and disabled; I am dead in the water, mobility hit. Where do
I go now that I cannot describe my curse? Where? It isn’t that I have not found
an answer; it is just not the answer I sought.
And yet an answer of import it is.
We flew out Christmas Eve and for the first time in 47 years
and second time in 50 years, I spent my Christmas outside the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland. For the first time in many years I would
not be able to drift in the cold past the church upon the hill, where those I
know, of love and goodwill, gather on Christmas Eve. I would also, for the
first time, experience New Year far, far away. Thousands and thousands of miles
away and as is my want, once over the White Sea, no reading material this time,
I ordered up a double JD, a couple of tubes of Asahi and settled down to catch
up on some movies.
The Sweeney, fantastic movie, though formulaic. The original
Sweeney TV series was the best cop show ever, its corrupt pathos was sublime,
forget it Yanks. It had a rushed, auctioned
sadness throughout its core, the central characters slowly being ablated by the
searing corruption within which they tried to remain true. The ss has regaled
me with many a tale filling in the background details of the things he has
witnessed in The Smoke, The Sweeney’s stomping ground.
Battleship, bollox, though I did watch it all ‘cos I love
the BBs and the BCs. I have spent many a happy hour drifting off to sleep
rearranging the rebuild of HMS Hood so that she would not have cracked up under
radar guided high velocity shot!! It can be done I believe, with the resources
to hand in a poor, rickets struck, war state, like UKplc 1939, but the
Admiralty would never have sanctioned the thought. So we died, in our hundreds,
A real surprise was End of Shift; I am never going to USofA corp.
as a tourist, if that is even a slight whiff of LA! If I transpose The Sweeney
and the known events in London
as described by the ss, onto LA, well who could relax. Good movie though.
The gold nugget was Inception. I randomly selected it
because I had trundled up to the galley to get my daughter a spicy sea food noodle
and myself another JD and tube, when I returned to my seat it was next on the
menu. I had no previous idea what it was about but for some reason have started
to forget The Beach when it comes to Mr D’C since catching the western remake
of Infernal Affairs in which he co-starred.
I really liked it for two reasons. One, it is pure
Einsteinian relativistic, so the physicist within me was happy as Larry. Two,
it is the only western movie, at least as far as I have seen, after so many
disappointments like Strange Days, Johnny Mnemonic and The Matrix, that
actually gets close to what Gibson was writing about 30 years ago, before he
got turned. You can tell he got turned when he was invited to speak at DARPA
etc., as a futurologist. Since then he has written crap. Phekking good movie.
Soon enough, after almost half a day in the air, we hit the
runway, cleared passport control and we were on the Express to home. As always
on these 21hr, door-door yomps, I do not sleep. The others snoozed as we sped
along in the almost empty carriage and I stared out through the unpatina’d
glass at the land flashing past, the woods, the tidy fields, the isolated paddy
remaining from the farm land expropriated decades ago, the clear, clean roads,
at the ordered landscape, early in the day under the clear blue, on standby,
television sky.
Heading around the Bay through MC1. Soon Chiba heaved into
view and if you know what I’m referencing that is where the Bio-Labs will be. A
little later, over the Sumida, and there it is, the Sky Tree, will soon be
dining with friends out this way, then through Tokyo, Kawasaki, Yokohama and
finally our terminus, Ōfuna. Taxi home and Christmas Day spent honouring
Any change since I last visited?
Let me list a couple of the things that have NOT changed,
the things I love there. You can still plod through narrow dimly lit alleyways
and side streets safely, locate the small sushi bar where our friends Hos and
Colin took us all those years ago, find your half empty whiskey bottle, as left
upon the picture rail 17 years ago AND be recognised as its owner!
One can wander through gigantic shopping malls of such
breath taking boredom to the male eye that only the girls could get excited
about them. Your correspondent usually leaves them to it, with a rendezvous
many hours in advance, and ducks into an electronics store, floor after floor
of erototech., cameras of such beauty that a photo of any one of the things
would be award winning, hour after hour of magical machinery. If the girls are
still not finished purchasing whatever, the quantum emporium is usually next to
a selection of noodle bars and eat the huge pile of curry, get it for free
restaurants. Anyway one can always park one’s tired ass, have a quiet meal, a
brew or two and admire your latest in newly bought 3.0. Try that near any
Currys or Eurotech!!!
The temples and the shrines. We attended the New Year’s Day
bell ringing at the local temple, we stood together, rang the bell and peace
was to be found there. Unlike any church vessel after Vatican 2’s surrender to the
heathen. No wonder Ratzinger has gone into hiding, the ZioNaziRatfaced Ba’al
Hammon disciple. Any clown who can go to RCE/TA’s pirate base and call the
terrorist occupants “our elder brothers” is a phukking agent of shatan.
Even in mid-winter the vending machines at the local railway
station will give you an ice chilled 1ltr brew to help you on the way uphill to
So the down side?
Well electrical energy rationing is evident, the Sky Tree
goes a bit dim after 9pm or so, and after twenty-five years of economic warfare
waged against this society, it is still resisting the so called change demanded
by the monoheathenoidYahwehistas (See “Have you noticed that everyone has had a
gutful of Yahweh now?”) . Just like the Germans the truth is leaking out here.
Real truth you troofers, not the managed shit fought over by phukk d’witz out
here on the ausphart. Real truth about what really happened, about how ordinary
people were slaughtered. After two big sticks and a 25 year designer collapse
there is no sign of surrender. Indeed the opposite is the case.
This brings me worryingly to the second thing that only a
lover of turning and burning things seemed to notice. The girls seemed to think
I was imagining, but no. There was, for the first time in my experience out
there, the sound of high performance, low bypass turbofans, flying over in two
ship flights at dusk. Yank or JASDF? Couldn’t clock them but I heard them every
evening out there.
We left on twelfth night for our return flight. As we passed
Vladivostok I
ordered up a triple JW, two tubes of Heineken and settled down to sleep the
sleep of the contented.
Easter 2013
We will go north, hundreds and hundreds of miles and as is
my want on these occasions I will take some reading material. Total journey
time estimated at 8 hours door-door. However I fully expect that it may take a
couple of days since this is the arse hole of the universe. What reading
material shall I take, I had finished all my Lavenda and Tarpley by Feb. Fey is
finished again as of today. It will have to be something I tucked away for a
rainy day. Mind you I could reread Gibson again, Wintermute, Count Zero, Hideo
and the well hard girl with the razor hands. Zion Dub. Either way London Euston-Glasgow
Central then out onto Union Street
and the No 4 bus home.
I forgot to mention that after we got off the flight in
January and had our first “touch point” with UKplc again, it was a typical let
down. Everything in the thousands of miles and hours and hours of preceding
travel had run like clockwork but as soon as we hit London Underground, what a shitheap!
Anyway to the north we go however before travelling we will
be visiting the site of the famous Child Molesting Centre (CMC). No wonder they
are going to grind parts of it off the face of the Earth. Removal of evidence.
Shouldn’t it be CSI’d as a crime scene? Isn’t removal of evidence a crime in
the country? Of course not. There is no crime in this country. How else can you
explain the lack of perps getting banged up for stealing all our money, rigging
everything, causing mayhem, designed recession and open borders to criminals?
UKplc; the non existent state.
Of course it exists for us. Have you heard the footfall
adverts from HMRC, new director a glass ceiling breaking, Common Purposed
failure, scaring the shit out of us, the individual tax farmed serf? Yet HMRC
have no balls to go and drag the murderous corporates like Phux TV,
KopheeFucks, anyBanks, anyConsultants and assorted criminals to cough up!! No
wonder the lights are going out in this town!! Cuts, cuts, cuts and more cuts.
The clowns tell us we will live to 100 years of age. Well I remember the
poisonous GGT telling us 25 years ago from the very same CMC that we would all
retire at 55years of age. We will never retire and all die in harness now, so
expect to die young.
We travel north to honour parents, a short stay, minima has
a dental appointment soon after Easter and we are to watch the last recording
in the CMC. These are the bounds of our time frame.
Why do I mention the CMC?
A Greek Cypriot, the brother of a friend of mine, who is an
architect, once remarked to me “ I am not a priest of the temple, architect”
upon my asking why he hadn’t gone on to design “big things” like stadia and
aeropuertos? There then took place a long conversation during which it became
clear that only the selected few, forget inclusivity and diversity, got to
design the skyscrapers, airports, major public buildings and assorted eye
stabbing modern built environment. These are the new temples and MUST stand out
from the local environment despite pretend regulations about beauty and local harmony.
These things are the new temples and must capture your eye.
So they interrupt harmony. The easiest way is to make them hideous. Check the
Scottish Parliament.
Oh and the system will always give award winning status to
these things to keep the herd in its place.
As with all temples there must be an altar, you just need to
be able to decode the architect/priest’s, in your face, occulted imperative to
observe it.
I’ll bet you the chronal mirages of abuse will haunt the
remainder for ever.
So we’ll be in there tomorrow evening and then off we go.
On the way home I’ll be, as usual, staring out the window of
the bus at the scenery passing by. The windmill farm should make interesting
viewing. I wonder what the Scottish government is going to say in a decade’s
time when the wind farms are asked to deliver and they cannot. How are they going
to explain the phukkup? By that time the EU will have shut everything that runs
on nuke, coal, oil or anything else they choose to outlaw, down. Remember the
clowns running the EU are the same familial inbreds that advised Stalin on
agrarian reform precisely to starve out the kulaks. What makes you think that
they like you any more than the kulaks oh flower of Scotland? They have an unending hatred
of the Irish; you’ve been protected by association with their pirate base in England.
Once independent the clearances will start again.
Why do they hate the Irish so?
Well I got the answer to that by accident and as I said
above I got an answer I did not seek, it is a very important answer though.
A little while ago the ss and I were discussing his time in West Africa, in the 60s/70s, he remarked that the graves
of the priests showed how quickly they died for their faith. Mostly Irish,
their headstones would, not unusually, indicate their arrival date at the
mission. From their date of death one could see that 6 months was not uncommon.
One has to go back over 2000 years, way back to the Punic
wars to even start to get you head round two things. The anti-Gaulic attitude
of the semites and the reason why Petros went to Rome.
Most who read about the second Punic war will always
concentrate on the Romans and never consider the attitude of the Carthaginians
to their hosts. The independent pirate base that was established in the Iberian Peninsula by Hannibal and co., so as not to break
the terms of the first Punic war, illustrates a constant theme over the
millennia. If one thinks of the stereotypical racist white slave owner attitude
to his black slaves we are always told is so representative of the plantation
owner in southern USofA, then magnify that attitude by two orders of magnitude.
Then one gets the idea of how the descendents of the Phoenicians viewed the
Gauls of Iberia. This is the reason the Irish are hated so, they were
demonstrably not semitic.
Do you see that blue area on the map at the top of this
article? Those are ancient semitic lands. Interestingly centuries later they
would become semitic again under Islam. We are supposed to believe that
everything is a great big mystery, no one really knows who the Phoenicians were
and where they went once out in the Atlantic.
No one knows their secrets, which they kept all to themselves, of the dye. So
many secrets, so much ignorance, so much waffle. Sound familiar?
One thing we can say though is that there is a definite
signature, apart from making sure all non-semites never get anywhere near any
secret, the smell of high financed death. Dead people everywhere.
Now then, Simon.
Do you see the red bit on the map above, the bit where the
Roman’s lived?
Oh and just to quote myself from something I will bang out
at the other shop soon,
“Unlike some who blog, at the moment do not expect
referenced material here, this is not a paper to be peer reviewed by hive
minded academic clowns, this is a fucking blog!!!
This is forensic story telling, history as read by me,
making more sense to me, for the history we’ve been handed down, upon which we
are examined, when examined closely, is deliberated fiction.”
Well then who do you think the fisherman went to preach to,
if we believe the scripture?
Nah, they’d been bred out by then. The native population of Rome was of mainly Chaldean,
i.e. semitic, decent by then. Indeed by the time the western Roman empire fell,
the Roman natives, the abos, had been bred out of the peninsula altogether. So
when I see my old mukka giving it large on Easter Sunday I only see a geezer
kidding on he means any of the stuff that we think of as Christianity. No
wonder all the church ever did was go around murdering persons. It is Ba’al
Hammon’s proxy.
BTW UKplc the mechanism was to send the Roman citizen out to
fight in the army in foreign parts and out breed them at home.
WW1 spring to mind UKplc?
USofA corp. getting the vibe yet?
Anyway next time out we shall be starting to build a thesis.
Until then I wish you a peaceful Easter.