Tuesday, 24 December 2013


Well here we are, another year older. Any light shed upon the black waters this year?

Mmmmm….we have started down the road of describing the Apiru and their characteristics. The Apiru prime agents have been fingered as the early adopters of Yahwehism. We will continue to explore this theme over the coming years, specifically fingering this character yahweh. It does like to be gazed upon its nether regions don’t forget. Remember anyone can become a jew, it is a life style choice, just ask Abraham or Moses of the nether region staring or any Khazar. Ask any bankster or scribbler of nonce sense. Ask any criminal hiding in the firebase at RCE/TA, the temple at RCE/LC, the slaving house at RCE/BS or in RCE/NY or RCE/BR.

As usual when standing at the razor edge of the still waters rolling and roiling up and down the erosion, the simple method reveals the perps and the reason why one almost alone, observes far removed from the next companion upon the infinite tide line.

Check the body count in their writings. Go on. Their sneak thieves may have torched all the libraries but they cannot help themselves accounting in their hubris. We are few the dead are many.

On another note it has also become apparent that the amount of effort going into the “breakYahweh civilisation” beloved of Dolan et al is gaining traction. Two things to note here.

One; the breakaway civilisation has been done before long ago and had to be stopped in its tracks by war in the 20th century.

Two; as I’ve said before. Show me a Civilisation 2 star cruiser captain and her invite for a bevvy off the Tannhäuser Gate and I might entertain the idea. To expect me to credit that the indolents and intergenerational thieves have the discipline to get themselves off world RATHER than waste all the wealth on private islands staffed by eunuchs supplying cyclotron separated narcotics and buttwelded ladyboys spying on us 24/7 is simply taking the piss. The human race advances despite these retards and their infinite machinations.

Which brings me to Three.

The fools that Herd our Attention Space, the gatekeepers of the HAS, want us to believe that life is just a brief flicker of light twixt two infinities of darkness. Hence the aided suiciding, ethics of killing in hospices and general organ stealing meme pumped by the pimps into our lives. We are to consider ourselves no better than animals, ergo the cute puppy and endangered species legend constantly dumped into our living quarters, our pens, by the MSM. No one on the MSM ever asks just who were the, drowning in money, phukkedwitz that shot all the wild life in the first place to make them endangered? From which intergenerational criminal families were they scions? From the same families that want us atheist and secular now.

Well clowns of the apocalypse, denizens of inadequacy, rationers of life and deniers of humanity you got it wrong when you failed the count zero.

The Turing fail will become more and more apparent as the simple concept of 3 from nothing is considered by us and emphatically denied by them.

Existence is an entangled event horizon joining two infinite expanses of light.

Every so often one of us lights up our stasis and we continue on.

Merry Christmas.

Monday, 23 December 2013

More than your life is worth.

It is always one of those flags that tips one off to a sleight of the false historical hand when we are reassured by carefully tenured, bought, hybrid historians that the origins of this and that, or the true events of whatever malarkey, are lost in the mists of time OR more hi-viz; that the records and documents were burned in one of the many and mysterious library fires, 9/11 et al, that seem to have plagued the world since the truth was deemed unacceptable by the clonomonoheathen.

In all cases one would find oneself removed from history completely if one stuck one’s broadcasting stikkybeak into the veracity of psyhistory that has been approved, never to be questioned.

You know the type of historical ending, dressed in hysterical rags being torn limb from limb by lions in the amphitheatre or just head shot in the theatre. Anyway it is all staged; this monmentalistheathenism, this blinding of the herd to the written word other than the wholly scribed holy which upon close inspection of full of perforations in its coherence.

Well when ever did a monomentalist need to be coherent. It’s not like it is written in law. The truth does not exist for ex-exitmentalist existentialists. No; the mentalist approach to herd cullcontrol is what is lawful. Seen any apology yet from the Vatican for all the dead persons the heathen on the seven hills caused? Seen any apology for the millions killed by talmudualists in the Soviet Union circa 1920-1950? No of course not, that is why the Soviet Union dissolved itself before any reparations could be claimed by survibobibors of the Ukranian Holodomor or the gulag survivors and their families. A hologrammatical error malarkey like that pulled by so called diamond shitters, untattooed tattooed and fabulist survivors of the, safe as houses, work camps, ripping off post war Germany, was not on the cards because the USofA corp infesting co-monoheathenreligionistas of the Soviet perp executioners intended to come back and steal all of what was left of Russia with help from the RCE/NY heathenbanksters like Goldmansukks. Goldencalves of Ba’al, typical mooing, lowing killerclowns of the so called monoheatheist Testaments and their monatheist negative, everything they profess is fantasy and everyone else’s real experience is denied.

Murderous reality deniers; the lot.

Mind you that is their mission; stamped deep into their DNA.

You know the kind, Vatican proscribed booklists that one would get burned at the stake for possession or reading, tsk-tsk, banned books in the TalmudicSovietSocialistRepubstakes and anything at all contrary to the fairy tales coming out of the flumes in the spiralling pyres over Auschwitzland and Soporibor. Jihadists destroying libraries and learning; bringing a golden age to the dead dhimmi. No one is to contradict the given WORD. No one is to think.

Given that the one common factor in all this collected human misery is the monoheathen in all their forms, one has to asks “Just how can they get away with it over thousands of years? “

Well I would proffer the theorem that we are dealing with a Lamarkian pathogen injected into the human spirit. Unlike Darwinian evolution, which is for the animals don’t forget, Lamarkian Kikery Theorem, remember anyone can be a kike just ask the killer Ashkenazi, just ask the degenerate Saudis, just ask an epicurean Jesuit curate, just ask an agronomist Maoist, Apiru is a safe life style choice, just like homicide. Always on the move away from the crime scene spreading their seed of destruction.

Through the study of the pathogen’s progress over time, it would appear that by the injection of Apiru inspired Lamarckian evil into the social body, the host will be turned evil completely without the need of selection, simply by the act of will to kill. Complimented by certain parasitical Apiru social traits, by the hermetic sealing of increasing parts of the social body through Lamarckian engineering the good will be killed, culled, slaved and indoctrinated. Through Lamarckian selection societies are changed by the will of the individuals of the heathen commune. Though appearing in history as individual, the Lamarckian actors are in fact communist and hive minded. Scribed history always emphasises these individuals as the commune seeks to enslave the free. Go and read some business theory or dialectic, consume some liturgy or watch the USofA degenerating into a slave state currently. Always the big name disguising the collective that will kill all before it eventually. Untying the world from humanity.

Some societies succumb more quickly than others. Within days, Aztec, within millennia, Teutons. Each gets its allotted treatment depending on the host’s response to full spectrum occult heathen intelligence gathering and the logistics to hand.

Although I wouldn’t piss on their books as far as veracity is concerned, one thing is certain.

The Môn heathen have been chosen alright, as vectors for the affliction of human destruction.

Now that we are getting somewhere with the Apiru question, their old boss is the next target of interest.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Some background H/T ZGR

Before we go on here.

"-Japanese Researches come closer to resolving metric space between Hilbert’s General Theory of Gravity and Shrödingers Quantum Mechanics
Very nicely done, congratulations to the Japanese. Perhaps the Japanese like the Germans and Russians are seen as far too brilliant and moral to be melded into the Anglo-Zionist world order and marked for generational extinction with Fukushima. Stalin had the Russians who merely wore glasses thrown in the Gulags and murdered to eliminate and genocide Slavic Brilliance. Nothing will change with these people until Christ comes back to divest them of the British-Israel throne.
David Hilbert was one of the outstanding mathematicians of the modern era if you’re not familiar with his works. He proposed 21 geometry axioms, the greatest influence in geometry since Euclid (325 BC).  Hilbert’s work on n-dimensional space, later called Hilbert space, proved invaluable for quantum mechanics. Today quantum mechanics is said to be a theory set in “Hilbert Space.”

At the InternationalCongress of Mathematicians in Paris (1900) Hilbert presented the now famous 23 which he challenged 20th century mathematicians to solve. In 1915 Hilbert discovered the correct field equations for general relativity before Einstein but never claimed priority.
As professor of mathematics at the University of Gottingen, outstanding scientists of the 20th century (Born, Heisenberg, Jordon, von Neumann to name just a few) studied with Hilbert. Hilbert suggested to Heisenberg that he find the differential equation that would correspond to his matrix equations. Had he taken Hilbert’s advice, Heisenberg may have discovered the wave equation before Schrödinger.

Still a lot more work for the mathematicians. Too bad the Anglo-Zionist murdered so many Slavs and Germans or no doubt this would have been solved decades ago. The world pays a price for the tribalism of the WASP and Jew and their conjoined Zionist /Masonic madness and their incessant hatred of Russians, Japanese and Germans. What was Fukushima but the hatred of the English Crown for the Japanese people?" ZGR