Cont from….
He got his brains smashed out with a crow bar by a real
labour camp slave.
The Bomb Line Pt 9.
Corps Crop Rotation or a prelude to Part 13 of the Bomb
Part 1
Corps Crop Rotation or a prelude to Part 13 of the Bomb
Part 2. Reposted Dates to remember before and after 9/11.
Corps Crop Rotation or a prelude to Part 13 of the Bomb
Part 3
Corps Crop Rotation or a prelude to Part 13 of the Bomb
Part 4
Corps Crop Rotation or a prelude to Part 13 of the Bomb
Part 5
I’ve been on and off hodilay since late August. I took a
load of listening and reading material with me. Didn’t get to read a lot since
it pissed all over us nonstop in Cornwall
and the sun was so strong in Barca I almost went blind. However I did get to
listen to a great deal of malarkey on the catholic subjects your correspondent
sticks his sticky beak into.
As an aside here I’d just like to remark that petrol is
cheaper in Barca and the SanMig is cheap and proper. One day the whole world
will be as England
is, sterile and taxed to death. Airstrip One is the proto-NWO.
Anyway once we got back to Blighty I just sort of ruminated
and belched a lot. Oh and set the secret squirrel’s compound alight with a
never ending set of Qs. As he remarked last week, whilst giving a big hint that
it might be sukiyaki time for a change, he’d never seen so much charcoal used
to so little effect. Then he hid the accelerant, so sukiyaki time it was this
past weekend.
Then my dreamland stopped.
Several things caused this, small things, the cumulative
effect being what follows.
The last little bit of the quantum straw that broke the
virtual camel’s back was
I realised that the important thing that needs to be said I had left unsaid.
What follows is not a criticism of KB in anyway; he simply shook
me out of my reverie.
At this shop you will find several bloggers with RISC in
front of their names on the side bar. This is because your correspondent finds
it interesting that they do nothing other than operate on a reduced instruction
Let me explain.
Since we all know that the legend, scripted in Wallyweird
Strasse, of what happened in the years 1931-1945 is all bollox, indeed that the
Cold War was also a staged play, then when the singular focus of so called
counter argumentalists over what really happened in the slave camps is not
“WHAT HAPPENED IN THERE?” but on the number of gas chambers, rail heads, forced
marches or the wonders of NaziJizzim; this leads one to conclude that they,
wittingly or unwittingly, are batting for team Satan just like the
monoheathenoids that insist they all shat diamonds as part of a well balanced
diet, got shot at by Ralph Fiennes or cannot show us a tattoo on their arse.
Remember these heathen loyal troopers are directly tapped into the funny money
machine and can never run out of lucre to promote their fiction. They were the
commie kapos in the camps, never short of cash or violence. The banksters
bestest assets.
No one ever asks why did the Nazi’s best forger assets come
from the Khazars in the camps? What did these ersatz pillars of society do in
“peace time” then before they got to eat porridge? Criminals of course. All the
attention goes on the number of shower heads in a gas chamber, idiot factory
processes of the mass murder of millions and the deluded imaginings of fiction
practitioners. No one ever spends time noting that these fevered outpourings on
paper really reflect the actual practices used by the PsychoKhaziKillers of the
OGPU when dispatching the intelligencia of Poland
and the land owners of the Ukraine.
The terminal KhaziKillers are lethal to all non-Khazidroids at all times and
all places. Where ever the USSR
trod there were dead persons everywhere all executed by Khazari monoheathenoids.
Simple guilt transference. An old trick.
So bearing in mind the secrecy surrounding the documentation
that would actually let one make a real appraisal of what happened in the
Reich, the weird imposition of tell tale crime scene ephemera, the forced
silence of the current residents and the mass killing of actual witnesses, can
we really make a judgement of what transpired in there? We are supposed to be
kept in the dark or frightened off snooping around the crime scene, can one
make an inference that makes more sense of the iCSI, the Iron Curtain, the 3rd
Reich and the bomb line? All the dead people we are not allowed to know about
because a bunch of KhaziKillers are hogging the lime light on cue?
Well you know me. I believe I can. Not just that but I can
tell what is going to happen here in Europe
because it is a repeat of 2000 years ago.
Zoh first things first, what can we actually see that no
amount of fannying around the fiction factory and rewriting history faculties
can erase?
After the gunfire and sniper finished the western ally controlled
part of Europe, Hessian lands esp., were knee deep in well fed Khazars awaiting
their ticket out of Europe for the soon to be Rothschild Corporate Enmity/Tel
Aviv pirate base. Where did they all come from? I thought they’d all gone up in
smoke! Their young women heavy with child. Germans booted out of their
remaining homes so that these clowns could rest peacefully. All stirred into
action by orders from on high in banksterdom. Their path cleared by the
infinite ability to print as much money as you need. Remember UKplc would
remain rationed for years to come.
So here is the question that can be answered by current human
resource management theory. What were their skill sets that Roth wanted? Those
of you who’ve been processed by the apes that infest HR these days (SS, GEFEPO,
GESTAPO, NKVD, OGPU in previous eras) recently will know that your previous
behaviour is a clear indicator of your future behaviour patterns.
Well there are clear indicators in two irrefutable areas as
to what was required of them in their new fire base at Tortuga
sur Mer.
Einsatzgrüppen/terrorist skills and that X-Factor which I
will tease you with until later.
Bearing in mind that some of these mysteriously alive KhaziKillerklowns
were so called partisans that were COMINTERN stay behind units previously used
to exterminate the local populations who wouldn’t bow to KommieKhazi terror
prior to Barbarossa we can see in the atrocities carried out on the
Palestinians a clear continuation in behaviour patterns. So we have hanging
around in the western allies controlled areas Einsatzgrüppen specialists,
wanting for nothing, waiting for their boarding pass and passage to the
Promised Land. At the same time we were handing over vast numbers of nonKhazi
men, women and children refugees fleeing Soviet terror to the Soviets for
transportation and extermination. Funny old world.
What do you think the USS Liberty heard in 1967 as she
sniffed the ether? Yes. Einsatzgrüppen at work on defenceless Palestinians. A
continuation of their behaviour aberration transferred from TransDniestre to TransJordan.
Now then we come to the real secret which I will speculate about
here. To do that we need to look a little further down the line from 1947 to
1957 in the pirate base.
When one
looks at the map here,
one thing that I hadn’t really contemplated upon is the immediate clearance of
the Negev into
Tortuga sur Mer’s killer hands
by Roth/Rock’s UN. I look at the
numbers involved,
and remember when dealing with these clowns and numbers it is always magical,
however lets take them as a given. This quote provides a further idea about the
skill sets imported into the area. Once Einsatzgrüppen, always Einsatzgrüppen.
“At the beginning of the strife in late 1947, it is likely
that the Jewish political leadership in Palestine
would have rejected any formal plan to expel the Palestinians. (Although that
would change by the following June, as discussed below, when the new Israeli
government prohibited the return of all Palestinian refugees.) There was,
however, a shared belief by many of the Jewish (later Israeli) military leaders
during the war that the entire Palestinian population was the enemy. Acting on
that belief, the Jewish militias (the official Haganah and the unofficial Stern
Gang and Irgun) engaged in a consistent course of conduct that was intended
to--and did--cause the Arab population to flee. (The Israeli myth that the
Palestinians left on instructions from Arab leaders has long since been shown
to be a fabrication.)[3]”
Now we come to the second set of skills, the type of human
assets that would once again behave in the future as they had done in the past,
that were brought into the Rothschild pirate base from the ruins of the Reich.
This place is,
like the Holohoax, surrounded by layers of secrecy and disinfo. One of the chief
dysinfofunctioaries is this asset.
You will get my reasoning for this when I get to the last part of this article
where we look into the future and meet the deep past.
To contrast what we are supposed to believe here take a
relatively untouched, high tech, centralised state such as France. A
nation of tens of millions with a history of centuries of scientific endeavour
took until 1956 to get a nuclear reactor critical and until 1960 to light off a
big one. RCE/TA? “Before the partition, Jews comprised only one-third of the
population of Palestine,
which held some 608,000 Jews and 1,237,000 Arabs. Even within the area
designated for Israel
under the U.N. partition plan, the population consisted of some 500,000 Jews
and 330,000 Arabs. How could a country with such a large Arab minority become a
Jewish homeland?[1]” RCE/TA is not the quiet cloisters of Oxford or MIT where enquiry can progress with
academic rigour and research. It is a fire base full of gunfire and sniper.
So where did the human assets do their research and get
trained in a stable environment such that they could then replicate the method
in the Negev?
To answer that we need to look at some of the signatures of
a nuclear programme, particularly power. Recognise
Interesting time frame, no? All up and running in time to separate isomers.
Recognise this? “For example, less than thirty per cent of
the workers at the Farben plant were in the "prisoner" category; more
that half were free foreign workers who had enlisted voluntarily for labor and
the remaining approximate twenty per cent were ordinary German employees.”
Didn’t think you would.
Same time frame. Same vast power requirements. Also note that free foreign
workers would likely be doing R&D related work in a humungous R&D
facility. Slaves/prisoners would be expendable, free workers doing R&D
would be assets and hence the swimming pool, dance floor, orchestras etc. Of
course we are not supposed to look at this scene, it is a holy place. Well I’ll
bet we are not supposed to rumble to the fact that was a two tier cast of Khazi
characters in there. One tier getting the attention of the Lead Pill Pharmacy,
the other working on the lab benches and management quite aware of what was
going down. That is what we are not supposed to think about. Then they get
whisked out to RCE/TA and the cover story fiction starts and a hermetic Iron
Curtain descends to quarantine the crime scene in the Reichprotektorate for two
At the other shop I will elaborate a bit more on some of the
details implied above including
Patton’s famous army, more on Operational
Manoeuvre Groups and finally Bikini Atoll.
First though we have to deal with MV and the looking forward
to Europe’s demise. This is the reason for my
current thoughts appearing in the shop here rather than the other shop where
big bangs and bombers really hang out.
2000 years ago the demographics of the Roman state had changed
and with it the nature of that state from Republic to heathen degeneracy. The
Roman citizen found himself out fighting wars and being out bred by freed
slaves from the Middle East at home.
Eventually all the positions of power within the state were held by Babylon money
worshippers. The Roman natives were displaced. With the disappearance of Germany we have
the same dynamic in play today. Europe flooded by middle eastern Babylonian
money worshippers who will make sure that all positions of power in such places
as local parliaments and EU institutions (OPEC is a great example of levying
tribute in disguise) are occupied by their progeny whilst the aboriginals are
indebted or maimed on the battle fields.
A sure sign of this is that the Ba’al Hammon Bishop of Rome is an ex Nazi. And
here is my problem with MV. If he’d gone Russian Orthodox or Assyrian Catholic
I would not entertain the same doubts that I have. He went from one branch of
the Babylon
money worshippers’ monoheathenism to another branch. For make no mistake
anything that springs from Rome or is protestant
to Rome is at its root Babylon. That is why they always harp on
about debt. Anything that springs from Mecca, Rome, atheism or Babylon
is a debt based, slaver operation run by people who hate humanity. Remember
when the Bishop of Rome took power after the fall of Rome the local power families were all of
Phoenician descent and then they started to kill anyone in sight as soon as
they were secure.
Just look at their body count.